
Can anyone help give me advice on what to do about this?

by  |  earlier

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Last summer I met a boy who is 2 grades ahead of me.It was father's day and we were having a pool party at my cousin's house.his mom babysits her.we were in the pool.his 9 year old brother had a water gun and was being obnoxious with it.we were trying to get him to stop but when that didn't work we turned the whole thing into a game. we got into a line with my cousin in front,me behind her and the boy behind me.(his name will not be said for security reasons.)At some point he started putting his hands on my waist and i didn't mind that much.but later he started to put his hands inside my bikini(on the top and bottom) and started touching me.after a few seconds i pulled his hands away.but he went back for more.this continued from about noon to 7 p.m.

Now every time i think of it i get shivers.I saw him once at Walgreen's and that's it..A few months ago i saw him at the Deli and I was too scared to even breath.

I had forgotten all about him until today and i was living a perfect life.Until a week ago i could only forget about him when i listened to music or hurt myself.My mom made me see a psych because she was worried about me and i didn't say anything about this to her. I don't want to tell any adult.Now I'm stuck with his scent on my jacket and his face in my brain.

I was actually 10 at the time...I'm eleven now...Yes I know that it's weird but I'm not lying.

I'll leave the best answer thing up to the other people at Yahoo!Answers.

All of your answers are bound to be helpful.

August 2nd we met again for my cousin's surprise birthday party and he did it again.

I'm going to go to his school now and i still haven't told anyone about it yet...

Any advice on what I should do?

How do I stop myself from going crazy?

Again, I refuse to tell an adult.

Teachers are no good.Counselors are the same.My Mom already thinks I'm crazy so she's out of the question.All other family members don't have a good enough relation ship with me for me to tell them.

And if he finds out I told I know he'll be pissed no doubt.

And if i told my mom then she would be all "whats wrong with you?don't tell me this after a YEAR!!!!tell me these things right away!!!"

and then it's off to the mental hospital for me.




  1. I had a similar thing happen to me only I was a bit older than you.  However it still hurts to think about it because even though I said stop, he kept doing it and I stopped resisting after that.  I felt violated and hurt and embarrassed.  

    There is nothing that you can do about the past.  It will always hurt when you look back on those situations, however you need to know that you ARE strong enough to make sure neither he nor anyone else ever does that to you again.

    Since you do not what to bring attention to anyone older that you do not feel comfortable being around him, here are my suggestions:

    He obviously doesn't understand English so telling him no won't work.  If he touches you again, kick or punch him in the balls.  He will NOT touch you again, I promise.

    Boys like that do that because they think they can intimidate you and do whatever they want without you putting up a fight.  GIVE THEM A FIGHT!!!  

    Next you need to feel like you can protect yourself.  You mother obviously cares about you and would be will to do something to help you out.  Ask her if you can take Martial Arts classes.  This will give you the skills to protect yourself physically and the knowledge that you can protect yourself.  

  2. Aqua,

    Your going to have to talk to someone you can trust. If you don't, he is going to keep doing this until you either blow up and smack him, which could get you in trouble, or he will get what he wants.

    There is no easy way to say this. He molested you and has caused you a distress that is going to come out physically as well as emotionally if you don't get it out.

    You know how to use the computer obviously, so i'd really like it if you try this...put "Teen hot line" in your browser and add your location.

    The goal is to talk to someone anonymously about your issues. You need to get this off your chest verbally as you have in writing here. I have no doubt whatsoever that someone will have great compassion for your situation and give you solid advice.

    I see that you said  "Again, I refuse to tell an adult.

    Teachers are no good.Counselors are the same..."

    I can understand Mom may be a total loss in this, but you include every living being who can help you!

    By disqualifying everyone, you leave no one to help you!.

    Let the board vote on best answer, but please just try this?


  3. I am wanting to tell you that HIS MOTHER  Is as the one to talk to directly and without shame explain, that you DO like him, but not in THAT way and not without permission ====because you are to young to be going into passionate things with boys.Tell her that she should explain it to him not to play those games with younger children or he can go to jail if the wrong people find out about it and SHE can go to jail for allowing a known predator around children. No one wants that to happen so get a grip on him now before 14 as then he becomes a molester in the eyes of the child protective services.and will be a criminal the rest of his life

  4. Well, I can tell you this:  You are a victim of sexual assault.  

    While I understand your fear of telling an adult, I can promise you that that is the best thing for you to do.  I can also promise you that you will not get the reactions that you think that you will get.  (As a mother, I would NEVER react that way if one of my children were to tell me this story.)

    What about telling your cousin?  How old is he/she?  You really need to tell someone--anyone!!

    As a victim myself (when I was a child) I can tell you that the more times you tell, the better you feel.  It would amaze you how much better you will feel by calling him what he is.  I never got that chance.  I hope that you do.

  5. you gotta tell some one... try to build up enough courage to tell another adult or go to a shrink

    or maby try confronting the culprit and ask him why he did it, cause hes probably the one thats needs the shrink

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