
Can anyone help? i need a prediction for my numerology number if its good or not for me??

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My Date of birth is 08/11/1974 and what numbers should i consider lucky for me. Also what stones/gems would be good for me to wear that would prove lucky???




  1. Your DESTINY NUMBER : 4

    You are a stickler for orderliness and discipline.Not for you the flashy personality types who are all hype and no substance.As a  person you are tolerant, gentle, patient in adversity and of grave nature. Your methodical approach and the ability to handle pressure is remarkable .You have the wonderful capacity of anticipating the future.  Whatever you estimate and envisage proves true in future.

    Because of your orthodox approach you tend to be rigid. You may lose opportunities for career advancements because of your inherent reluctuance to change with time.when entrusted with the task of leading others you tend to expect from others the same exactitude with which you carry out your tasks

    which can lead to dissappointments .

    You are ideally suited for peaceful family life.However any discordant note in your personal life can  devastate you.You are basiclly a  lover of solitude and do not mix much.  Hence you may have  limited number of friends.  Your tastes are also a few and restricted.

    Your  health is above average and you are careful about it.  Your food is balanced and living simple.  Teaching, lecturership, professorship, engineering, writing etc.  are professions  that are specially suited for your progress and personality.If you can become efficient in mixing well with people and constantly keep up an extrovert attitude, you can become more successful

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