
Can anyone help identify these kanji?

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i am trying to translate a chinese item i found, but so far i've hit quite a few kanji that i can't seem to find. a few of them seem painfully simple, too. it's just that no matter what kanji identification software i use, they don't show up. i've tried my best to draw 4 of them and uploaded the image here:

is anyone out there in yahoo-land able to identify them, and if so, could you please post the text version for me to copy?

also, i have plenty more i can't find, so if you could also tell me if you used a website or program to find them, and which one. or if you just happen to know chinese, could i please borrow your brain? i kid, i kid.

anyway, thanks if anyone can help.




  1. The one that Kelly did not know is 卡 (Mandarin ka3).  It's not very common and is usually used to represent the sound of a foreign word; much as katakana is used in Japanese for foreign words.

    Ex. 卡片 Ka3 pian4 = card

    卡通 ka3 tong1 = cartoon

  2. Just so you know, Chinese characters are called "characters." Japanese characters are called "kanji." Considering it's four characters in a row, I'm guessing it's Chinese and not Japanese.

    装 (zhuāng) = to adorn / dress / install

    组 (zǔ) = to group together / compose

    员 (yuán) = person / employee

    I can't find anything for the third character (either in Chinese or Japanese). But a few useful sites for further research: (You can draw Chinese characters. It's awesome.) (Put in the radicals you see and the number of strokes in that kanji, and bam! you find your kanji.) (A great Japanese dictionary.)

    Edit: Thank you, wyoscot! :)

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