
Can anyone help identify this hanging ivy plant and why it is dying?

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I bought this hanging ivy plant on the clearance rack at Lowe's. It didn't have a tag, but it was cheap and I thought I could bring it back to life. I gave it moderate light and a moderate amount of water and it seemed to do ok for a few days, but now it has taken a downturn. It is in a room with skylights. I have tried more light, less light, more watering, less watering.. but maybe I wasn't patient enough with one of those condition changes. Any ideas on the type of plant or what it needs? Thanks!

Here are 2 photos:




  1. I'm not an expert on ivies, but it doesn't look like an ivy to me. Are you sure it's a houseplant?

    Try this: Remove the dead leaves, and take it outside (maybe on your porch or patio, not in direct sun). Give it only moderate water every several days. See if that helps. I take all my houseplants outside in the summer and they thrive.

    I hope this helps.  

  2. it is a variety of english ivy

    scientific name is Hedera helix.

    it has been over-watered

    they like bright indirect light,

    relatively dry soil

    extra humidity

    are susceptible to spider mites, mealy bugs, and scale insects

    also they sometimes get black spot fungus.

    That being said,

    the plant was probably over-watered at some point at the store which weakened the root system.

    it is actually several cuttings in one pot and most of the individual plants are already completely dead.

    i recommend that you dissect the dead plants away from the live plant

    the roots that are black and wiry are dead, you need to look for live roots and they will be whitish or light colored anyway.

    repot the remaining live plant into a small pot with new soil (i'd use miracle gro potting soil with timed released fertilizer)

    if you don't find a plant with healthy roots, you could take a cutting from a live stem, remove all damaged leaves, they aren't going to get any healthier.

    run the repotted baby plant towards the dry side, give it as much light as possible, mist folaige daily,

  3. looks like it' s a goner.  you might want to clip, what is still green, and put that in water to try to root the stems.    

  4. It looks to be growing in a pot, which is not big enough for ivy. They are such spreaders it's probably not getting the nutrition it requires.

  5. looks more like Solomon's seal, to me....

  6. Well first off here is a good article

    I personally don't know the exact name of that ivy. I would first pull out all the dead ones and leave the green ones if there are any left and let it spend some time outside in the shade and not let it sit in water, but rather water it well. Some ivy plants don't do well indoors and some need time indoors and outdoors. It may have not had a good root system to begin with. You have a 50-50 chance of saving it. Hope for the best.  

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