
Can anyone help me, i am looking for a shhop to rent in london for my clothing business. Thank you?

by  |  earlier

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I don't mind anywhere in east london, but if you know antwhere else in london, i can consider taking it.




  1. The Gov has Business Link which gives free advice and maybe incentives/ cheaper rent if you set up shop in certain areas (e.g. deprived areas).

  2. look up, it's nice

  3. check out shopproperty .com


    top one is probably best,that's what i have always used anyway. when you click on a shop that interest you don't forget to look who the agent is and click on their logo which takes you to their own site as they have other properties on there as well. good hunting

  4. Go here:

  5. I hope you learn to spell before you find one, that way you will be able to spell the name of the shop correctly.

  6. There's a number of websites which people have given.

    But can I suggest really, really strongly suggest as I have been in fashion, read Drapers and sold Italian womenswear, that you personally visit the different areas around.

    This is honestly the best way to choose your site as you need somewhere which suits your line.

    Persoanlly I went to West London. But you have to find what suits you and your market. You need other shops near by which cater for same age range etc.


    London's a great choice but don't think you can't do very well in the towns around. As you know the location  is the prime concern.

    I wish you the vey best

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