I guess I didn't exactly words my last question right.... but what i want to know is if it is possible that everyone is born with their own special "super power" (those aren't exactly the right words but good enough) and some people are more.. in tune with their gift. That somewhere every 3 or 4 generations in some random family someone is born who can understand these "extra" things people have.
And is it possible for someone to go into such shock that they go into a coma and get sever hypothermia? And when they wake up their body temperature is much lower than the average humans because their body has been this way for so long. Their body gets used to it and they develope some sort of new "disease" (I can hardly call it a disease) Where they pratically look like the walking dead?
example: Pale, Stiff, Pupils Diolated, Cold, Hard Skin...
I suppose some of you are going to joke around and say that would be a vampire but technically no it wouldn't.... because to be a vampire is someone who worships evil and has a thirst for blood... overcome by a need to kill. aka murderers.
but that is not what im talking about...