
Can anyone help me be more consistent with kick flips?

by  |  earlier

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I land them but not consistently. But I don't land them on the bolts, I land back foot on tail, front foot just behind the bolts. And sometimes I land on my toes with the rest of my feet hanging off. Can anyone help.




  1. since you wmailed me, i emailed you about this, i hope it helped

  2. Well here are a couple of things to do to get kickflips consistent

    1. Practice- pretty obvious

    2. when you pop fully extend your back leg

    3. lean a little bit more forward

    4. put your front foot straight and flat with no angle (this will be hard at first)

    these are some tips that I used

  3. Make sure to keep your shoulders parallel to the board.  Also pop harder and bring your knees to your chest.  Jump as high as you can and land down on the bolts keep your feet over the bolts while its flipping.  Like and Ollie lean forward with the board when you jump!

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