
Can anyone help me calm my nerves for a driving test?

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I'm going for a driving test very soon and i cant sleep and lose the butterflies in my stomache, can you advise me what i can do to stay cool/calm especially on that day as i think i will lose the plot ad end up in a ditch on the side of the road?




  1. Rescue remedy

    It works wonders i failed twice then my instructor rcomended this you can get it in boots :)

    Good luck

  2. On the day, imagine the instructor is naked - at least it will make you laugh, and laughing is an age old relaxer.

    In the build up to your test, I would say that exercise is a great stress reliever. Go for a run, or even just a walk. Try screaming and shouting when no one is around. Also, dancing like crazy will make you feel loads better.

  3. dude i have mine at 1.30 today

    and i failed mine last time

    im so d**n nervous today lol

    its not as bad as you think

    but they usually fail 17 yr olds first time,unless they are outstandingly good

  4. Hey, hope this helps, its a bit random. lol

    i used to struggle a lot with nervers etc then one day i saw a video of some female journalist being killed in Iraq and now i never ever get nervous. Best way to look at it is to think  -  whats the worst that could happen?  if you fail you can resit it. its not a gun to the head.

  5. Hey!!

    OOoo the big test ehhh? i took mine in June..[3rd time lucky for me]..

    i tend to get really nervous about tests..and this one was so important to me..

    my advice would be to not let your nerves get to you too much, but if they are there, just let them pass. You will find that as soon as you get in the car you will calm down and relax into the situation.

    Are you american? if so i dont really know what the tests are like out british :) im sure they are pretty much the same!

    if your worried about nerves, "rescue remedy" is a good idea..just put a few drops in a cool drink of water (take this on the test with helps if you sip it before you do any maneuvours ect..)

    if you feel sick with nerves, take some mints! they take away nausea :)

    If you wish to have a minute to calm down, just ask the examiner, they dont mind.

    just treat it like a regular drive, imagine its your grandad or somebody sitting next to you telling you where to go - they normaly sit quite far back in the you wont notice them too much anyway

    dont put too much pressure on may make you do things you dont normally do, and the examiner could mark you for being too cautious..

    just enjoy it!! if you fail..just do it again!! it doesnt mean you are a better driver if you pass first time (i think its made me more confident passing 3rd time..:))

    good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx

  6. Simple. While you are driving and you are feeling nervous or uneasy, just close your eyes, take deep breaths, exhale slowly then count back slowly backward from one hundred to one.  By the time you reach your destination you'll feel like you're in heaven without feeling like you''ve never driven.  Warning:  This practice could be addictive and dangerous.  Only do so with utmost care and with no police officers on the road.

  7. Look at it this way... there are some dumb stupis people driving legally. If they can do it you sure as h**l can!

  8. Brother, leave every thing to God ....ask for peace of mind from Him only, no other but He can help you out.  

    If You are a Muslim...recite ' Al Vakeelo' and the Ayat 'Nasrum Minallahi Va Fathun Qareeb' as many times as you can.... and dont forget to recite Bismillah Hirrahman Nirraheem before going to the test .... Insha Allah you will succeed.

  9. nah man for your driving test its not so bad. you can take a friend or parent along as well to help keep you calm, and the people donig the test are usually really nice and such, and dont just stare at you with cold eyes. good luck and dont let it get to you too bad!

    one word of advice, take the smallest car you have. easier for the parallel parking

  10. Almost everyone goes through getting their license.  You will be no different.  If you are careful, you will be fine.  Just relax.  The tester has done this many times before.

  11. There are several ways that might help you to remain calm on the day.

    Remind yourself that this is not a test, this is you showing someone new that you can drive a car in a safe and capable way, do not see this as an examination but as a chance to show what you are capable of.

    Try getting some Bachs Rescue Remedy from any supermarket or large Chemist its completely natural and will not impair your driving in any way.

    Finally reassure yourself that if your instructor did not think you were ready to drive solo then they would not have told you to put in for your test.

    Whatever you do DO NOT take or use alcohol as you will end up banned before you even have your license.

    Its just 40 mins out of your day and the worst that can happen is that you fail and have to re-take the test.

    I wish you all the luck in the world xx

  12. Ive got two answers for you:

    Ever see Entourage? When Johnny Drama is exceedingly nervous before an important scene, Turtle suggests "rubbing one out". Believe it or not - It Works! You feel total release and calmness.

    Or something not so graphic...

    Kava Kava is a natural herb that I take on a regular basis for anxiety, depression, restlessness, trouble sleeping. It is completely natural with zero side effects. It can be tough to come by though. Somewhere online will probably be your best bet.

  13. Don't imagine the instructor naked.  The last thing you need is an erection thrown into the mix.

  14. Try some Bach Resuce Remedy, this is great  for calming your nerves and jitters!! you can buy it in healthfood stores, Superdrug and Boots, its never let me down!!!! Good Luck!!!!

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