
Can anyone help me connect this dream to a real event?

by  |  earlier

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There is a man or (men) with a gun that shoots at long range, he targets, shoots and kills children one by one as they play in front yards of houses that are very close together. The setting is older about early 1800's-1960. The children are all Caucasian, maybe Europeans or any sort of English settlement. There is lots of horses and their are many men in that town riding them ,many leaving the town on the horses.

I had this dream a while back and it's very distinct to me for some reason ,because of how random it is and how the detail was so clear even down to a little boys face who managed to leave the town and was not killed ,because the shooter sympathized him and told him how where to go to escape on a horse.




  1. You do not mention your state in the dream.  Are you a participant or just witness?  How do you feel?  Without fully understanding the dream, I can only give you a limited, more hypothetical answer.  If you partake and are one of the children then you feel that you are being persecuted by someone in life, i.e., someone is on your case, on your back.  However, if you are just witness to these events, then, likewise you see this "persecution"  being done to another around you.   That's as close as I can get without further details.  All in all, you see or are involved in some "oppression" nearby.


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