
Can anyone help me create a diet plan for this summer? 19 yr old female?

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Can anyone help me create a diet plan for this summer? 19 yr old female?

Can anyone help me create a diet plan for this summer. i am a 19 yr old, 5'7 female in college who use to weight 125 entering college and let myself go and now weight 145. i would like to lose 20 pounds over the summer. I will be going out for the XC team next year also for an small university along with weight training--so keep that in mind. is it possible to lose 20-25 pounds be early august? Thanks!




  1. Not so good on the diet part.............except don't eat a lot of sugary food, eat lots of fruits, veg., you know basically eat right!  Don't drink a lot of soft drinks, drink plenty of water.  And if your going out for XC team your going need to be running a lot right??  Do 5 days a week logging in between 20-30 miles,  this should take some extra lbs. off for sure!!  Good Luck, contact if need help

  2. Yea it is definitely possible to lose the weight by that time. You just have to stay dedicated to your work out and eating habits and the weight will melt off of you. you will be down to 125 in no time at all.

    You want to stay away from fast food, and foods that are cooked in a lot of grease. Eat a lot of fruits, and veggies. Pastas and oatmeal for carbs. and chicken is very healthy for you, preferablly in the boneless, skinless variety.

    best bet is run daily- which I am sure you will be doing since you are trying out for the team- and just eat smaller portions then you are used to. Rest up occasionally, and when it comes to food give yourself a little leeway. Don't just stop everything cold turkey, ease yourself into it. It will be a lot easier for you too if you let yourself indulge on anything you want once a week... just work out hard and eat smaller portions... you will be fine.

    Best of luck to you .

  3. Continuing on your regular diet that you put together.  There is a product that i have been taking and it works. I did not believe it but it really works. You don't even have to change your drills or anything. and Perfect Empowered Drinking Water is a pure, clean, and natural tasting drinking water. The final product contains trace amounts of several minerals: Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium, and Electrolytes too—all things that help to make your body stronger and healthier! By using this product it has pure oxygen that our body needs inside of the water. I'm not sure if u heard of a hyperbaric chamber, but it put healthy oxygen in your body to make it do less work and make better cells faster. That's what this but it in the water. I dropped time from a 10.9 to a 10.4 in 6 months so try it. If you don't like it, return it. If you need anyhing, email me.

  4. 20-25 lbs by august, assuming a May start gives you 3 months within which to lose 24 lbs, or 8 lbs a month.  That is very easy to acheive.

    If you want to lose weight , follow the simple formula: calories expended > calories taken in.

    To expend calories:

    -do cardio to up your heart rate and your metabolic rate

    -lift weights (not heavy, but a good resistance with more reps)

    To reduce caloric intake:

    -eat breakfast!!!

    -watch your carb/fat intake, do not eat carbs for dinner/before you sleep

    -try to eat smaller meals more frequently

    -cut out soda, junk food, etc and any other high trans fatty foods

    -switch to healthier grains (multigrain, whole wheat) from white grain as that is more easily digested and contains fewer calories.

    Finally, be sure to rest.  Don't try to lose too much weight too fast, or you will end up disgusting sagging skin.  Remember that on any weight loss program, you will lose more weight in the beginning than in the middle, but this is WATER weight.  Stick with your diet loss plans, and if you find yourself plateauing, aka you're not losing more weight several weeks into the program, then change up the program (more cardio, higher weights, etc) since your body will have become adjusted to your increased energy expenditures.

    Bonne Chance!


  5. to lose 20-25 pounds by early august you will need to average about 1-2 pounds a week which is totally doable. i suggest jogging every other day, just constant movement, and watching how much junk foods and beverages you take in. some is okay sometimes but don't go crazy on it. but seriously jogging every other day, if you can't jog easy for half an hour make that your goal. don't push yourself, jogging should be relaxing, and not strenuous, enjoy your time either alone with the quiet, with your ipod or a friend. i have complete faith that if you make a serious effort to do this and really set your mind to it it's something you can totally achieve. i know the biggest trouble will be mastering your self discipline and it's obviously something you want to do so make it enjoyable and have fun - you got it girl good luck!

  6. Ahh...I wouldn't try and drop 20 in 3 months. They say a pound a week is reasonable for a goal. If you make your goal to difficult you might just end up very frustrated, as well as hungry! Also remember that you don't need to be model skinny to be attractive and healthy! Most guys prefer girls who aren't skinny, they like normal looking girls who make themselves attractive in other ways. Good luck with XC.

  7. if you start now you could lose probably about 10-15 pounds with a lot of hard work and dedication. I lost 10 pounds in about 3-4 months last summer when I was 19. All I did was run every other day (without fail or else you get into bad habits of skipping) if you can keep that momentum going and throw in activities like swimming, bike riding, maybe recreational'll drop weight every week.

    This also means: no soda, no chips, no cookies.

    If you can maintain willpower and avoid whatever foods you fixate on to once a month or not at all you will not crave them at all anymore (especially sweets if that's ur thing)

    Get good shoes--this is extremely important as the wrong shoes can blow out your knees and ankles over time. Also, find a running buddy, that kept me going when I didn't want to run, that someone else needed me to go for their sake too.

    I also would say set up a goal--sign up for a 5K that's late in the summer or early fall and youll feel the pressure to work so you don't embarrass yourself!

    But mostly, stay positive, and even when your hating it in the beginning, remember that as the summer goes on it only gets easier!

    -snack on FRUIT.

    -eat salads without dressings, or with fat free one tiny spooning.

    -put 1/4 lemonade in your water bottle, it keeps you drinking it more if there's flavor.

    - eat light yogurt to snack or for bfast, its filling and healthy

    -eat things like chicken breast and brown rice

    -eat soups--they're filling and low in calories.

    -I did not eat fast food or anything fried, maybe fish fry once or twice but seriously you know if something is doused in cheese or breadcrumbs to avoid it!!!

    -when you go out to eat order a salad and soup, or something else that's smal like quesadillas, it's cheaper too!

    Good luck, and happy running.

  8. Eat less, work out more, dont forget your cardio.

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