
Can anyone help me decide on a name for my Chihuahua?

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I adopted this chihuahua from the pound yesterday, but I don't get to see him again until tuesday, because he has to be neutered first, so he has to go to the vet, then I get to pick him up and bring him home.

Anyway according to the shelter they believe he is about 1 year of age.

I've been trying to come up with a name for him but nothing sticks.

Here's a little about him and how everything came to be

Yesterday I had an appointment to see him as the day before that I had come and he wasn't available yet, this had been my 5th time at the shelter within the past 4 weeks.

So they made me come back the following morning at 10

so I came, and went to go see him, well when it came time for the shelter worker to bring him out, the poor little guy was terrified, he was very snappish, and screamed when the man tried grabbing him, he became cornered against the kennel wall.

The shelter worker did not want to let me meet him, he said "Sorry folks, there's no way I can grab him, he bit me a little bit, he didn't break the skin, but still got me pretty good, and if I bring him out to you and he bites you its a big liability for us, so no I'm sorry you can't adopt him."

I was so disappointed as he was the one I had my heart set on adopting I saw his picture on and wanted to meet him badly, everytime I came up to his kennel, he seemed friendly, he wagged his tail, and played with me through the cage door, but he was terrified of the workers, he would not let them touch him for anything.

The shelter worker said I couldn't base my opinion on him by how he acts from behind the kennel door, he may seem fine and friendly while behind the cage door because he feels safe and protected behind it, but as soon as anyone touches him from the inside of the kennel its a whole nother story and he'll bite.

After they told me no.. I kept looking around.. I literally spent about 5 hours looking around at all the different dogs.. I met a few others but didn't feel that same connection that I had felt with the chihuahua, I kept going back to his kennel and he acted happy everytime he saw me, he'd stand up on the kennel door, and would whine and wag his tail at me, he'd l**k my hand through the kennel cage door and play a little.

I went back into the main office, and decided I would just go home since they said I was not able to adopt the chihuahua, and none of the other dogs there felt right for me... but I still just had to ask one more time if they could give the chihuahua a second chance, at first they said no, but if I really wanted him I could come back tuesday to talk to the superviser and try to convince her to let me adopt him, they couldn't gurantee but said I could try, I agreed to that, but then the lady said "Well you know what, one of our workers here is actually really good with dogs like that, you know what let me ask her to try to get him for you." and I told the lady at the desk thank you and that I just want to make sure with a second opinion pretty much, and that if this lady couldn't get him then I'd understand...

So I went back out to kennel 120 which is the one the chihuahua was in, and the lady attempted to grab him, but he acted terrified of her as well, he would not let her touch him if his life depended on it, he tried to bite her out of fear, she kept shaking her head as if saying "no" but kept trying anyway, she was trying to comfort him but he kept baring his teeth at her, he kept looking back at me through the cage though as if saying with his eyes "help me", and wagged his tail a little when he looked at me, but quickly turned back around because of the lady, she asked me "Well he seems to like you, maybe if you try to come in here and see if you can get him." I said "ok" and went into the kennel with her, and I was somewhat expecting him to act the same way with me, but as soon as I knelt down and I said "Come here baby" instead of me having to go up to him, he came running right up to me, wagging his tail and all, he was acting all excited, I said "can I pick you up?" and he let me, he didn't freak out like he did when the workers tried to grab him, he did not snap or growl at me, he was l*****g my face, I also was able to put a leash around his neck, he didn't have a collar so they had to use one of those thin leashes, and everytime one of the wokers tried getting it around his head he'd snap and scream and would be terrified, but he let me put it on him with no problem, he even let me walk him, he acted excited.

The shelter lady was surprised she said "Wow he likes you! that's amazing, none of us here have been able to touch him like that since he's been here, that's weird, we actually had to put him in a small cage in order to get him into this kennel."

I walked him around, and took him inside a play area, where I let him offleash, he was pretty friendly with me, he sniffed around a lot, peed here and there, but let me pick him up again, he licked m




  1. He;s adorable! Ok . here's some ideas

    Tramp (like from Lady and the Tramp)





    But the best way is to find something that relates to you and him, that means something to you,  

  2. Inuyasha    [Special because Inu means dog]Yasha means cute and special! This pet dog is special and should be given a special name!

  3. i intern at an animal shelter and i hope you know that that is amazing. im so happy for u. sometimes you need to be patient. at my shelter there was this dog that barked at evryone but when evr i came along id give it treats and i went in th kennel within the next minute she came to me. i got her adopted imidiatly. think of a word like ope...for a new life...or luck...or ...special...or things like that and look them up in different languages it should be fun!

    i hope u enjoy and live for evr happy with ur dog!


  4. how you met your  Chihuahua is very sweet but sorry i can't help you think of a name

  5. give him a little time to name himself. i adopted a pitbull, sight unseen, from a vet. the dog had no personality and we never bonded and i never named it. i had it for 4 years before it disappeared. i never really gave it a second thought.

  6. With the description of your dog I think Gordy is a great name.


  8. He looks like an Oreo to me. Hard and crunchy on the outside, but soft and sweet on the inside....

    Be warned. You are really going to have to work with him. He will soon start trying to guard you, and that will make for a miserable home life if you don't nip it in the bud.


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