
Can anyone help me explain this quote?

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"Power should be kept in check; power exercised secretly can be doubly dangerous"

- Also if you can give me examples from either Julius Caesar or Animal Farm or both




  1. hey I don't want to do your homework for you I had to do that assignment on my own

  2. It is better to create than to learn! Creating is the essence of life. is one of Julius Caesars Quotes. Julius Caesrar was a verry smart man. The quote I typed in means be more creative then copying things. Creating is the essence of life means with out creative people in this world we would not have most of the great things we have today. Allthough He was a great man but he was kind of  power crazed. He turned against his friends. Then his friend turned against him. One day when Julius walked in to a room and saw his friend and  Julius new what was going to happen his last words translated to english means you to Brutus then he was killed

  3. What the quote is trying to say is power has its limits (too much power or too little could place a person or the country in jeopardy). Power or control should not be kept secret, because anything no one knows could be dangerous to everyone and to themselves.

    READ about FDR, Confucians, Napoleon and so on... and YOU will see the message they are trying to say metaphorically.

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