
Can anyone help me find a picture online of this building????

by  |  earlier

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I need to find a picture online. Its kind of hard to picture but I saw it on a commercial. Its like in the caribbean and it has like a small wooden boardwalk going into the ocean at the end is kind of a building. It has a straw roof and 4 wooden pillars holding it up. It doesn't have any walls. And in the commercial it has white curtains on the pillars and a bed in the middle of the floor. Can anyone help me find out what the name of this thing is or a picture?




  1. Go to google images and search for Bora Bora.

  2. It's not an actual place, it was created graphically for the commercial.  

    The structure could loosely be called a cabana.

    Here's a shot of something similar:

  3. Maybe Fiji.

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