
Can anyone help me find a world map where the ice caps have melted?

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I have a project coming up for school, and I think it would really pack a punch to have a map of the world (or just the US, even) and how it would look if the ice caps were to melt and flooded low lying areas. It would also be interesting to have one of the world's climate at that time. I have tried looking, and can't find anything. Does anyone know where I find such a map? I would really appreciate the help!




  1. Go onto the NASA website, and look under glaciers!

    It is frightening, but you can see shots of ice caps breaking off as captured by NASA.

  2. Try contacting these people.

  3. This one allows you to adjust the sea level rise from 0 to +14meters:

    A 14 meter seal level rise isn't likely, but a 1-2 meter rise by 2100 is.  You could follow up your map with a new warning from the Spanish Oceanographic Institute, that the level of the Mediterranean Sea is rising rapidly and could increase by up to half a metre in the next 50 years.

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