
Can anyone help me forget the past?

by  |  earlier

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Me, my sis and my mom were in poverty a few times and now we are good, but i can't quite shake away the memories of what happened and if it will happen again. I am somewhat upset and feel hollow inside. I would like to know if anyone has any advise as to what I should do. thanks!




  1. There is always no guarantee that you not ever be placed in that situation again but you must look at it in a positive lite. Fist of all you rose out of it, you overcame it and survived. Second you can take some practical applications to help you from getting in that situation again. Like starting a back up savings account, or investing in CD's or Stocks and the bank can help you with that.

    But as far as dealing with the past is first you must know you can not run from or hide from your past because if you do you will relive it constantly. Also I don't know if you have faith in God but if you do you must learn to trust him and know that no matter what the situation is that you face that he is always with  you and will be there to help you get through it. And then also you must face you past, what is it that your really afraid of? Why are you afraid of it? And then how can it be something that no longer holds you back?

  2. Having no money can be very hard, and it is scary to think that when you have come as far away from it again there is a possibility you could go back,(especially with today's gas prices!) Don't stress to much, be smart with your money, save some don't live beyond your means get what you can afford I had times in my life when I was scrapping the barrel to make ends meet, so even now I clip coupons and look for those sales, Just be smart, and enjoy where you are now.

  3. save some money in a corner and you will feel assured that you will be able to handle the situation if that happens again

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