
Can anyone help me get hold of a catchy topic for a project about conserving the natural environment?

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Heya guys, I have this project I'm working on and the theme given is 'Going Green'. Undeniably it's about the environment, how to prevent pollution, save wildlife and so forth. But, all I need is a catchy topic for me to go with a poster. If possible, if you have an idea in mind, please give me tips on how I can make a simple poster, very simple one, but with the message read out clear, aloud, the impact, as huge as possible?

I'm really having a tough time here, hope someone comes up with one, then I don't need to RAKE my brains out. Remember guys please, it's about the ENVIRONMENT, okay?

Thanks a lot. Can't wait to see how far your creativity goes. =)




  1. Keep Earth Blue and Green  

    Then add pictures from magazines of the beautiful water and marine life.

    Green would be the forest and all the wildlife contained there.

    I would make a Green Frame and add the Blue pictures into it.

    Then do a Blue frame and add the Green pictures.  This would reflect how everything is effected by everything else.

    Hope you like the idea.


    (As in, 'Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder')

  3. TREE = LIFE

    Tree of Life.  Picture of a tree with the all the animals around it.  Birds, monkeys and squirrels.  Deer, bear, lion, kangaroo, cats, cows, horses, dogs and etc. under the tree as one happy family.  Under the tree you can have worms.  The sun with a nice rainbow to show the sky clear of pollution.

    You might want to highlight clean sources of energy like dams, solar, wind and geothermal energy under the rainbow as something good.

  4. I think this project that you're doing sounds great! Maybe something along the lines of OH I don't know........ Hug a tree and save some green? I started an environment club in my school and we call ourselves the "Tree Huggers"! Good luck on finding a name!!!

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