
Can anyone help me get started with fishing?

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I am going to be going fishing in Doylestown, PA and I just wanted to know if anyone could help me get started with fishing. I got a swift 660-f reel is that any good? How long does a fishing license usually last - is it good from state to state ( like PA to NJ)? Can anyone recommend some good lures or techniques? Is live bait better than fake? Thanks for all your help!




  1. alright alright alrighhhttttt. for the reel. i dont think its any good because i found virtually nothing about it except a sale on ebay with a picture that didnt work. i have a spin casting rod.  didnt say what rod you had, i have a daiwa rod and reel that was about $35 in all on sale at d**k's.(rod and reel are daiwa "megaforce") i would also reccomend shakesphere ugly stiks, because i want one and yeah.. theyre good.  fishing license should last a  year but it depends when you buy it. I think it only lasts till your birthday but im not quite sure.(so no it does not last all year all the time) they will tell  you when you get it and it will be listed on the license when it expires) mine expires 2/28/2009 and i got it in june or july. no its not good from state to state because you pay the state fine and its for a particular state (though i have gone fishing in PA when im from ohio) you probably wont have any trouble if you have your license and arent taking any fish. as for lures and techniques it depends what fish your trying to catch! same for live and fake bait. i prefer fake bait because it doesnt go bad and its clean.

  2. For a list of tips, licences, and other helpful information for all fishermen, check out

  3. Ok, so i live in PA too, and dont live to far from u, but i got into fishing not too long ago, and from what ive seen ur reel will do, try to find something alittle better, but ur good now, so ull have to get a license for every different state u want to fish in! But as far as baits, fake and live bait are equally good! I usually go with fake but ive found that puting a sunny on a large hook and letting a bass eat it is effective but illegal! But i use a buzzbait that u can pick up at walmart, they work amazingly good,  after u cast out reel in fast to bring the buzzbait to the surface, then spin as slow as u can, but making sure they bait stays at the top! Go to to get more examples of buzzbaits! Good luck and happy fishing!

  4. the lure you use and the bait depends on what type of fish you are trying to catch . as long as you have appropriate lures then artificial bate is fine. be sure your presentation ( the way you reel in the line etc. ) mimics what the fish would normally  eat. a fishing license from one state cannot be used in another. you can get temporary licenses that last a week or a day. get one when you get there, usually a license lasts for 1 year expiring in april . get some flatfish for trolling wedding band lures for trout and when you get to PA ask at the local fishing shop what type of lures they recommend for that area. Good Luck and remember even if you don't catch anything it's still a good day.

  5. Yes, you need a license for each state, it's good for the whole calendar year.

    Your reel is fine, and you should use live bait, when you can, worms work good for some types of fish, minoes for larger fish.  Some people make a corn meal mush, I don't have a recipe.

    Have fun, go'n fis'n.

  6. Minnow hunting is more my style. Nothing but net.

  7. 1 year 4 license   each state has different  licenses

  8. Your reel will be fine. If you want a really good "starters" reel, try a Zebco 33. A combo set will be around 30.00 for rod & reel and a very good outfit to start fishing with.

    You'll need to locate a tackle store to buy a out of state license, probably a 10 day Non Residential. While at the tackle shop,ask what baits they carry and chances are they'll do everything possible to help you out.

    If ya like Wal Mart, they sell licenses too, and the sales people in sporting goods are from the area and probably lead you to some tackle the locals use, maybe some good fishing holes too.

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