
Can anyone help me hook up a wireless router?

by  |  earlier

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I have a new linksys router (WRT54GS v. 7). All the cables are hooked up correctly but my computer won't detect it. All the correct lights are on or flashing. I just don't understand. With this router I bought a new modem (working fine)and a new wireless network card for the pc (working fine). My computer is up to date. I'm running windows xp, service pack 3. I have a big enough processor and plenty of memory. Help!!




  1. There are several things that could be wrong with the network. The most likely problem is that the router's driver is not properly installed or the driver is not compatible with the operating system.

    On newer computers, you can use a wireless connection setup wizard that will set up the network settings and diagnose any problems with the network.

  2. I dont know enough to answer, but I would like to know also...

    Thanks for the question....Star for you.

  3. Did you use the Software and follow the directions exactly as it prescribed. If your running wireless also check to make sure that XP can detect your network (if you didn't assign it a name it will be linksys) the easiest way to tell if its your router is it will have the best connection. Also I would suggest instead of using your computer wirelessly plug it directly into the router and run the software

  4. With this router you should have plug and play without any setup required unless you want to add a layer of security to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing your network.

    Here is what I would do.  Start over... I know you said you have everything plugged in correctly but either the router is bad or something is not plugged in correctly.

    Unplug the modem and router from power power. Plug in the cable - DSL or Cable TV into the input of the modem.  Now take the output of the modem either USB or Ethernet (one or the other NOT both) to the Input of the router (normally labeled Internet)

    Turn on the Modem let it boot up... Turn on the router let it boot up.  Now restart the computer. and see if you see the router and can get on the Internet.

    Check your computer's network settings to insure it is set to obtain an IP address automatically, and obtain a DNS address automatically.

    If you still can't connect. Take your computer to a WiFi hot spot to insure the new Wireless card is working. If that works plug the computer into the wired port of your router does it work? NO check directly of the modem. This will tell you if your PC's network card is bad.    Check the wireless connection in the network settings and do a repair.

    If possible borrow a neighbors laptop and see if that laptop can connect to your network.. If that one can't NOT I suspect a bad router.

  5. Did you install any software that may have come with the router? If all the cables are plugged in though things should still be working. On the back of the router there should be about 4 ethernet ports and then there will be a lone one sittin a bit away from the others. Check to make sure the internet ethernet cable coming from the router is going to that port. Another suggestion would be Start > Control Panel > Network Setup Wizard

    Try running that and see what happens then as well

  6. technology-

  7. Check your wireless LAN connection Properties to make sure under Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)properties that your IP and DNS server addresses are acquired automatically.

    Connect an ethernet cable from your computer to the back of the router and open a web browser and access the web-based utility and see if the router is set to broadcast it's SSID. Review settings as per user guide...

    EDIT: To check to see if your ethernet card is good, open a Command Prompt window.(or Click Start > Run > type "cmd" in Open box) Then hit OK. Type "ping" at flashing cursor, then hit Enter. If all 4 replies come back, then your ethernet card is working.

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