
Can anyone help me how to make my computer a bit laggy and slow

by  |  earlier

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Hey umm.. I only had my computer for 3 yrs and now its all laggy and slow. it says it has a virus but how can it if i always scan the things i download first. If anyone knows how to make my computer faster please responce. Thanks.

PS: If you know how to get rid of a Virus called Cryp Morphine please tell me :].




  1. the most common cause of slow/laggy computers is spyware/malware. most anti-virus programs don't detect these bundled within downloads because they don't actually contain malicious code. try downloading ad-aware ( and spybot s&d along with the updates for it (

    as for the crypt.morphine got to for details on how to remove it.

  2. Check out

    The same thing happened to me.  This product is excellent, and I tried it for free.  It is so frustrating working with a slow computer, I hate that.  I hope this works for you!

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