
Can anyone help me in making a choir t-shirt?

by  |  earlier

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my men's acappello choir is called Afterhours since we're an after school choir. we wanted to come up with the best t-shirt design ever so if anyone has any ideas for what we can do it would be soooo helpful. altho if u cant hink of anything then u can help me with the idea that i wanna explore along with any other ideas u guys have but one thing i was thinkin bout doin was have AFTERHOURS spelled going down on the back and each of the letters would stand for something to describe the choir. i mean we are one of the best choirs in our state, so we wanna hav a t-shirt that will jus be amazing




  1. go to this web site, i really like making stuff here, idk if it will help if you want to order a lot. but it's worth a try. :]

    and you xan upload your own photos and junk, so its pretty sweet

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