
Can anyone help me in planning a trip in Italy??

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i am goin to Italy for a week with ma family.

jus wanted to know if anyone here could help me out in planning ma trip and updating me of what places to visit there and what are things to see.

In Italy i will going to Venice, Rome and Florence, wanted to know places to see here.

Also if English is commongly understoond and used there or no?




  1. I live in Italy.

    The cities you choose are the 'classic' ones to visit. So, I cannot offer any more advice, especially given that you have only a week. In Venice, just walk around. In Rome, take a million photos, in Florence, take it easy.

    Practically nobody here speaks comprehensible English so buy a good phrase book.

    Watch your valuables at all times.

  2. i'm italian and i can help you :D

    don't worry: english is understood and spoken, expecially in these cities that are full of english/american tourists.

    venice is easy to visit: you could visit the san Marco cathedral, the "ponte dei sospiri" (i don't know how you call it, maybe sospiri bridge :D) and the "RIALTO BRIDGE"). you can also visit the murano island.

    Rome is full of famous monuments and places: the colosseo, the saint peter not too difficult to find a place to visit in this city!

    Florence is a beautiful city, you  must visit the Uffizi Gallery (maybe it is better to book the tour), the old bridge (ponte vecchio), Pallazzo Reale and the beautiful square :D

    I hope you'll enjoy the trip!!

  3. Hello,

    You will love Italy!  It is a wonderful place.

    My only major advice would be with only a week to just see one or two cities.  Three cities in  a week is a lot of travelling and not a lot of sight seeing.  I would suggest 2 days in Venice and the rest in Rome.  In Venice you can see the grand canal, St. Marks, the rialto bridge, the ducal palace and just wander the streets enjoying this unique city.  Then on the morning of the third day, hop on the train heading to Rome.  If you want, stop in Florence for the day and then continue on to Rome.  Rome is such a small city but there is sooooo much to see.  4 or 5 days really is not enough to begin to see all the jewels this town has to offer.  Some of the things not to be missed are: the colosseum, the forums, the palatine hill, the circus maximus, the pantheon, piazza navona, the trevi fountain, piazza del popolo, the ara pacis, Santa Maria Maggiore church, St. Peter in chains church, San Giovanni in Laterano church, Santa Maria in Cosmedin church, St. Peters basillica,, The vatican museums and the Borghese Gallery.  You will need to make reservations for the Borghese gallery and the vatican museums but they are easy to do online.  You can get good maps of Rome, Florence and Venice at any book store or go online to order them also.  


  4. The very first thing you should do is get the "Let's Go Italy" book.  There are a ton of ideas, tips, reviews in there that we thought were a Godsend.  

    In Venice, don't plan too much.  It's a lovely little city.  Just spend your time meandering around all the alleys and down the canals.  The city is really small, so you will be able to see everything by just walking around.

    Florence was my favorite city of the three.  Considering the time that you have I would highly suggest taking the open air bus.  It hits all the major sites in the city.  For 20Euro you get two days.  You can also take another bus that will bring you up to a small village called Feosole.  

    Rome was my least favorite city actually.  Considering how satisfied we were with the open air bus in Florence we took the 110 Trambus  for 13 Euro.  Again, we thought it was totally worth it.  

    I only speak fluent English, despite my 2 years of Italian in college.  But, the "Let's Go" book has common phrases listed in the back with phonetical spelling.

  5. If you don't know any Italian, then you will have the best luck in Rome, and secondly in Venice. This is where there are lots of tourists, and they are the most tourist friendly areas. There's too much to see in one week, I recommend you buy a guide book (I like Lonely Planet guide books) and pick a few places to see in each city, because you won't have time to see everything that interests you.

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