
Can anyone help me learn how to play football?

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0 LIKES UnLike not a sports fanatic.but I want to get into football though.but I have one problem.I know absolutly nothing about football.can anyone please help me out here??




  1. I wouldn't even know where to start. Maybe if we were watching a game or something I could explain it to you, or if you asked questions and stuff, but to just explain the whole game is kind of difficult to do. Sorry.  


  3. I play football in high school, so I can help you out. I'll start out with the basics.

    11 players on each side.

    Offense: 5 lineman, 1 quarterback, 1 running back, 1 Full Back

    Then typically 2 WR, and 1 TE

    Defense: consists of lineman, Cornerbacks, Safetys, and line backers

    With defense the amount of players at each position vary with each defensive scheme

    If you really want to get into football and learn what it is all about I suggest buying the video game Madden NFL. It doesn't even have to be the new one 09, it can be 08 which you can get for about 5 dollars. Just play that and you'll know all about how football works.

    Good Luck

  4. your looking in the wrong place dude

  5. Look for a book called Football for dummies.

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