
Can anyone help me or not? you answer people are more frustrating than the help sites!why not capitol letters?

by  |  earlier

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I have tried to create my own account on my brother's computer so that I can create a profile, avitar,user id ,password. I've gone as far as my own secret word, but when I try to log in,it says...invalid yahoo id. Can anyone tell me where i may have gone wrong?




  1. If it is a Yahoo Group and if you completed all of the registration process, then you should have received an email from Yahoo regarding this plus verifying your email address.  In that email, it would give instructions on whether you need to do more.  If so, follow those instructions.  Then you should be able to sign in to that group.

    (I did notice your previous question and it was related to Messenger and not Yahoo Groups but since you are asking question in the Yahoo Groups category, that's what I'm basing this answer on.)  

    Using all capital letters is considered "Shouting" and is also difficult to read.  Just use capital letters at the beginning of each sentence and you should be just fine.  ;)

    Ii hope my answer has not frustrated you even more!

  2. Passwords are usually case sensitive whereas e-mail addresses are not.  Did you maybe start the password with a capital or not, or did you have to have numbers and letters?  When you get it, and for all your passwords, write down the account and user name and password just as you created it.

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