
Can anyone help me out? family issue?

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well lets see long story passed away 5 months ago, grandparents fighting constantly,mom has high blood pressure do not want to drag her in it, mom and dad were divorced and didnt like each other, me and my dad wer VERY close, dad died of drug overdose, we believe step mom killed him, my aunts dad has cancer and is expxected to go any time now, i am the first person to lose their father in my entire family, i am only 15, i am getting no help right now!!!

can someone please give me sites online that i can go to to help me our bcuz my mom wont take me to a counsiler.....also my dads birthday is coming up.......wat should i do and how do ppl get rid of suicidal thoughts? that is my main question bcuz ever since my dad died all i want to do commit suicide.....please help thank you




  1. A site? Shine on Yahoo, the women's website. You will be surprised about how many women are out there who could be great therapists. They are very caring and give great advice. And I'm very sorry about your situation :)

  2. dear candece,

    im not far off from your age, so hopefully i can parents divorced when i was only 4 weeks old, my grampa just died a year ago, i got married at 18, my family has disowned me, and none of them speak to me any more. also my in laws, who are actually my husbands grandparents, and not his real parents need to go into a nursing home badly, i have 14 cents to my name, im about to lose my car, my bank account is overdrawn by over $200 and i just lost my job. and one more thing, my mom is putting my little sister in a foster home, so im losing the only family member that still loves me. i understand what you mean by family problems, and the best thing you can do, if any body will listen to you is talk to your family, and give all your problems to God, and he will see you through. suicide is never the answer, trust me, i tried it, and 2 of my friends suceeded by gunshot to the head. suicide is the cowards way out. be strong and give it all to God. trust him and praise him. he will get you through everthing, even if it takes a little bit of time, all things will work out, and remember, good things come to those who wait. good luck and stay strong!

  3. hi, denise . i lost my dad when i was 10. that time my mum was very sad plus i have a sister who was 8 that time. i really had to console them and myself. its really hard to get over it when u r so close. i was very close with my dad too...please don't even think about suiciding... ur mother needs u right?

    be strong.. if u r a christian maybe u could go to church and meet a priest cause ur mum won't bring u to caunseller...or try talking to  a friend... things will get much better in the future trust me...i hope that i helped..ur dad will alway b wit u .. be strong u r in my prayers

  4. i would like to help a lot but i really dont know and im sorry!

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