
Can anyone help me out on this one please???

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Here is a poem called Salome by Juan Calvino

I need to know what each verse means

She's kept him

all these years in her room:

just his head

stuck on a spike.

She turns before him

while she dresses,

powders his dusky face,

and sits him, for the instruction

of her lovers, by the bed.

Like breaking fingers

the bed creaks

and she rasps his name

in a voice rich

as tearing silk




  1. I too need to know what each stanza means. It is malleable and elastic. To me, it could me a mirror, or a drug...or just some dude's head on a stick.

  2. Like a black widow spider, Salome consumes her men when she's done with them.  A real maneater.  She keeps him around (or what's left of him) as an object lesson to future suitors, next to her bed.  A bed that has had its share of punishment too.  She's one bad lady.  Pretty on the outside, but . . .

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