
Can anyone help me out with over hand serve??

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well i always throw the ball up too high and was wondering if there is any basic things i need to know

please and thanks





  1. haha okay serving is a very tough thing to do, and it took me FOREVER to finally be able to do it the "right way" , so i definatly know where your coming are some tips that i actually found extremely important and useful while learning how to get it over and just plain serve well.............

    NEVER stand straight facing the court, angle yourself 45 degrees to the right

    NEVER put extra steps into your serve, just step and drag, thats it

    ALWAYS keep you hips, shoulder, arm, and hand OPEN!!!

    NEVER try to just hit it as hard as you can, take time on checking your form, opening up and swinging through the ball

    ALWAYS try to think about what your doing and where you want the ball to go

    ALWAYS be positive and tell yourself "i can do it"

    ALWAYS ask yourself "what went wrong" if you miss a serve or it does not go where you want it to go

    ***hope i helped and good luck with the serving!!!

  2. keep the ball in front of your strong shoulder and don't lift too high or above your head.  if you let the ball drop it should be right about at your foot.  Try popping the ball, like hitting a wall with your hand.  Hit it and then stop immediately

  3. well your stance should be balanced.  and during a game, i always take a deep breath to calm myself from the last play so i just focus on the serve.

    if you are right handed, hold the ball with you left hand with your right hand on top of the ball, which lets your hand take the shape of the ball.  the ball should be  in front of the right side of your body to avoid any mistakes in your swing.  if you are left handed, do the opposite.

    the ball should not be thrown so high... the reason being is the higher the throw, the more time you have to move you body which makes more likely to move around and change your position and could mess up your serve.  the ball should be thrown slightly above you head.

    throw the ball in front of you also.  if you throw the ball behind you, you will have to bend backwards to swing and that will cause the ball the rainbow over the net rather than straight down.

    step into you serve. after you throw the ball you should take a step into the ball, which throws your body behind the force of the ball which would make it go deeper.  make sure you drag your foot as you serve to slow down your body as to make sure you don't serve the ball out.

    follow through with your serve... and make sure with your follow through you don't cross your serving are across you body...unless you want to go cross court.

    i hope i helped and didn't sound confusing.  email me if you need clarification on somethings.

  4. okay, it takes practice to get it right but put the ball on weak hand toss it up, with the other hand do like a cup next to ur ear and hit  

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