
Can anyone help me pick out the next best pet for me?

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I've tried hamsters, gerbils, and a mouse in the past (my neighbors came up to me in the middle of winter with a baby mouse their dog had found, so sad ): ) and I've got a chinchilla. Since I've got my baby, I don't ever want to go back to having a hamster or gerbil since they aren't as social and don't live as long, but my chinchilla is going to start racking up my bill as I go out and buy one of those flying saucers and perhaps a vet trip for a tiny wound. I was wondering what other rodents you've heard of out there that might make good pets?

I can't have a guinea pig or ferrets because I'm allergic to them. ):

I want a pet that will live less than twenty years, is a rodent, lives more than five years at minimum and could possible be trained. I don't want to go out and buy a new cage for it though. I would like to use the cage I have now, which is:

I was thinking about a Degu, Rat, or SugarGlider, any suggestions?




  1. Sugar gliders are cute :)    

    A bunny


    long tailed chinchilla

    fancey mouse

    hope this helped!

  2. Sugar Gliders are SOOOOO adorable, I would  get one of those if you have the money. The cage looks like it would work fine!

  3. you should get a guinea pig

  4. Rats are AWESOME social creatures. But i hate to tell you that they only live about 3 1/2 years. They're the best pet though!

  5. Please don't get a sugar glider they are wild animals and don't belong in a cage. Also they bite and are not the most trainable pets. I have two rats and love them a lot! If you got a rat they would be able to escape from that cage. You can do this to fix that problem.As mentioned above, plastic coated hardware cloth is your best option. Chances are your rats are young and they will probably grow up to be too big to fit through the bars, so galvanized wire is all right if it is temporary, but anything more permanent should be the plastic coated stuff as it is easier on their feet. I've only been able to find it at Home Depot and nowhere else, it comes in rolls that are 2' x 5' for $9. For some pictures of it and of how to make the edges not sharp check out this page:

    Good luck with your rats!


    I am a veterinary assistant and rat breeder with 10 years experience caring for rats. I currently run a rat care website at and will answer rat or other rodent questions via email, just click the link in my profile.

    Thats not me i had a problem with my rat cage and she helped me a lot! I don't know about degu.

  6. RAT there very smart and grow to there owners and your could teach it how to do thingsGOOD LUCK

  7. Rats are very sociable. they are extreamly smart and can be trained. They are very sweet if you get over the natural human fear.

    Or get another chinchilla, they are much happier in pairs

  8. Well, you could try rats, that cage is perfect for two. A rat's lifespan is 3 years, although they can live longer. You could try rabbits, but I'm not sure that's the right cage (sorry, but its difficult to meet your exact specifications, especially with allergies!) You would need a hutch, I'm pretty sure...but I've never had rabbits so I wouldn't know (They are adorable and cuddly though!). Just to say something more, about what you said about hamsters. Hamsters have all kinds of personalities, and saying they aren't social is a big generalization. Especially when dwarf hamsters are very social and live in groups. I have two hamsters, one syrian (Stanley) and one dwarf, (Blueberry), and both are very cute cuddly and social. They actually like to play together (they do NOT live in the same cage, I'm not  that stupid). Whenever Stanley tries to fight with Blue, I say NO! And he stops and now he's a good boy. I understand the not living as long thing, but thats the thing with good pets...we only have them for a short time. And gerbils (although I've never had one) are VERY social. Just saying. Good luck!

  9. I would recommend a rat, they are extremely friendly social and intelligent, they average about 3 years but I currently own a 4 year old who is still going strong.They can also be trained with commands such as comeing by their name or a certain sound, I have to making a clicking sound and they come to me, Heres a great site for basic rat care and one for more advanced care

  10. Wait, what happend to your chinny? I hope you didn't give it away, and are planning to replace it, especially due to the cots :( All the animals you have listed are just as expensive as a chin, if not more.

    Rats are perfect for Ferrret Nation cages! They are social animals, so you should get at least a pair of them. They are highly socialiable and interactive. They will grow very fond of you, and become dependant on your attention. Mine are actually reorganizing my desk as I'm typing :) They do require daily time out of the cage for mental stimulation and exercise, since most won't use wheels. As for training, they canbe litter trained a good amount, and most of mine also know thier names. They only live 2-3 years though.

    Degu are very similar to chins in care, essentially feeding. They are a bit bigger than rats, so I guess the cage will be great for them as well. These guys are also very social, and need a friend or two. They aren't as trusting as rats. I have found them to be quite flighty, almost like gerbils. But once they get to know the person, they are more relaxed. I don't see why they could not be littertrained. They live up to 8 years.

    Sugar gliders are totally different. I would not compare them to any rodent, but more to primates even. They are very much high maintenence. You will need to cook for them, and take them out for most of the day to be with you since they bond to you. They also need a cage with a finer mesh, not the ferret nation one. And they live up to 15-20 years, same with chins.

    By the way, I don't know if you still have the chinchilla with a cut, but you can simply apply some white flour to it to clot the blood, and if should heal on its own. You can get some neosporin for it as well. No need for a vet.

  11. Well, a sugar glider isn't a rodent. So maybe you should ask for suggestions for small and furry pets instead of limiting yourself to just rodents. :)

    Pets that live less than 20 years but more than 5

    - Rabbits

    - Guinea pigs

    - Hedgehogs

    - Degus (no, they are not bigger than rats, lol)

    - Sugar gliders

    - Short tailed possums

    - Flying Squirrels

    Of those, pets that can be trained: (You didn't specify what kind of training you are talking about. I'm going to assume you meant litter training)

    - Rabbits

    - Guinea pigs

    - Hedgehogs

    - Short tailed possums

    Of those, pets who can live in your Ferret Nation:


    There are a lot more unusual exotics out there you might look into: patagonian cavies, siberian chipmunks, richardson's ground squirrels, provost squirrels. And depending on where you live, you might even be able to buy pet skunks, raccoons, possums, etc.

    The Ferret Nation is designed for pets that climb. So you wouldn't be able to put pigs or hedgies in there. It's too small for rabbits, and the bars are too far apart for sugar gliders. Sugar gliders, rats, and degus need pretty small bar spacings. 1/4 inch or smaller. The FN cage has to be modified before you can put rats in there (except for large male rats).

    Rats are out because they rarely live to be five years old. But they really are one of the best pets you can get.

    You could always sell your FN and get something for whatever new critter you get. I hope you consider hedgehogs, they are awesome.

    But it seems like money is an issue for you. Any animal has the potential to rack you up a large vet bill, not just chinchillas. If you can barely afford your chinchilla, what makes you think any other pet will be better? Also, are you getting a new animal now, or are you going to wait until your chinchilla passes away?

    Oh, and sugar gliders can actually die of loneliness. You should alway have more than one.

  12. go with a hedgehog!!!

    or a sugar glider!!!!!!

    hope you find the perfect pet!!!!!

  13. Get a rabbit... Most from shelters are litter box trained... They require as much matenience as chinchillas i think. They can also be trained with patience... I have a rabbit and I love it..(look up youtube videos rabbits)

  14. Degus are awesome!

  15. rat rat rat rat. i have 2 and they're amazing but i think they will escape the giant cage bars.  then i would suggest a degu cause they live long and are social and then i think you should get a sugar glider cause they're awesome.  i love ferrets. sorry your allergic :C

  16. rats make great  pets..

  17. Id go for degus all the way! We have 10 altogether and they are amazing! so much fun and so inquisitive. The degu would match all you needs. Rats are good too but arent as interesting and sugar gliders are way expensive and need loads of attention.

  18. I think that you should consider buying a Dwarf Rabbit. It's not really a rodent, but it is small and won't live extremely long.

  19. well try a dog cause i think they are more respectful than any other pet but you have to control it don't let it control you

  20. I'd take Sugar Gliders :D

    Not too sure about the cage, though.

  21. rats dont live 5 years usually.  more like 2.  *sad*

    im not sure what a sugarglider is

    a degu meets your need for how long it has to live :P degus are absically 5-10 years.  (dont usually live 10 years)  i dont know much about them because i kicked them off my 'research because i want' list when i found out you couldnt hold them very well..

    if you want a rodent, i think 5 years minimum is a little harsh as most rodenets dont live too long.

    you should also try a snake but i kicke them off my list as well, as i read they were expensive

  22. i would go with a rat

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