
Can anyone help me????????

by  |  earlier

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i have a problem that i want to help myself with but I'm not sure exactly what it is. My girlfriend went to alton towers when she knew that i really wanted to take her for her first time and take her on all the big rides by myself however she went with school before i had the chance to take her myself. i asked her not to go on one of the rides because i wanted that one to be special because i loved it and i went when i was young. Anyway, she went on it and bought the picture as well so i got really upset but now she is going with college and i have the chance to go with her but i don't want to because i don't feel as though i would have any fun. The only think i could think to relate it with is say you was young again and you just met someone and got in to a relationship then decided you wanted to make love for the first time but found out that they had done it before and it feels as though the magic is gone.

What is this that I'm feeling or being, is it jelousness or me being over protective or what? Can anyone help?

Thanks for reading =]




  1. You're being ridiculous.  You can't compare someone going on a ride to someone losing their virginity.  It was selfish of you to ask her not to go on a ride or go somewhere just because you wanted to take her first.  Grow up.

  2. It sounds like it might be depression or something similar.  When I'm feeling really bad, sometimes I fixate on something that I dream of happening in the future, to get through being so sad in the present.  Then when it doesn't happen, it's like something really important has been taken from me, and I can't stop thinking about it.  Someone who's mind doesn't work that way might have a hard time understanding why that ride was so important to you.  I don't think your girlfriend realized how much it would hurt you.

    I don't know if you would have fun if you went or not - you really might not, until you're feeling better in general.  But maybe you should go anyway, for the sake of your girlfriend, to show her you are trying to get past it.  You might feel better about yourself in the long run if you try to rise above what you're feeling right now, but I know it's hard.  If you keep dwelling on it for another week or two or it's affecting your relationship, consider getting therapy or treatment for depression.  You sound like a great guy who's trying to change things for the better, and I think you can do it.

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