
Can anyone help me regading Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME?

by Guest57864  |  earlier

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I had the chickenpox about 14 months ago and I have never really been 100% since. In January I had a really bad cold and was almost totally floored at work by it, I struggled on with work (which was pretty stressful and sometimes a 50hr+ week), on my days off I would sleep until anout 2pm and wake up for a few hours and then be totally tired again. Work became such an effort and I was literally just working and sleeping, eventually I went to see the doc and he now says I have CFS. I have been off work 10 weeks but hope to get back part-time soon. Since I have been off I feel I have improved quite a bit (I still have really sore legs, occasional headaches and the almost constant tiredness, from when I wake up (10am) until I go to bed (11.30pm). The doc also gave me fleuoxetine (sp?), multi-vitamins and ferrous sulphate to take. I want to know if it seems I am about to start the slow road to recovery, or is it likely that I could go back to feeling the way I felt at my worst. I really couldnt go through feeling like that again (it lasted 4 months and all I did was sleep, somedays I was hardly out my bed). I am 24 if this makes any difference. Thanks!




  1. You must have been a pretty sick puppy, sorry to hear.

    Do you live alone? Support is your best line of defense during recovery.  

    Vitamins C and E (taken together) are powerful anti-oxidants that will strengthen immunity.

    Also consider Activia or one of the yogurt products which regulate the stomach's process.  

    Drinking at least two quarts of water a day will flush out the toxins the C & E will produce.

    Not being a doctor, this is the most I can recommend.

    Hope you feel a lot better soon.

    : )  

  2. google ,

  3. hmmmmm.... Stress (among other things) depletes your B vitamins so you may want to consider a B complex.

    Iron deficiency also can cause chronic fatigue -- but to determine, have your ferritin checked. Studies indicate that women with a ferritin level under 50 experience fatigue -- even though these lower numbers are considered "normal range". For more on this, you can go to

    but you may want to research on chicken pox in adults since that's when it all started. Sounds like you never really recovered.

    You could start on

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