
Can anyone help me think of contemporary examples of gender oppression?

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Taking an online course about women's studies and need more help understanding oppression




  1. The first that comes to my mind is the glass ceiling.

    Pris:  YES, women are STILL oppressed in the US.  While it may not be as extreme as in other countries, it still exists. We have always been and continue to be a patriarchal society. Examples include (and this is just to name of few):

    Inequity in pay for the same work

    sexual harassment

    strong independent women are often referred to as bi*ch but when a man is this way he is called "ambitious"

    the reality of domestic violence in this country...

  2. The "glass ceiling" in the workplace.  

    The wage gap between the genders.

    The general objectification and sexualization of women by the media.  (It does occur with men as well these days, but not to the extent of women.)

  3. Men can sleep around, women are looked down upon if done so.

    Men can be wild, dress differently, it's looked down upon for women to be both.

  4. don't let them indoctrinate you..  american women aren't oppressed. People in third world countries who are starving are oppressed.

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