
Can anyone help me to install a modem with wirless router?

by  |  earlier

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i have got my pc connected up by talktalk internet buti have now bought a laptop aswell wich is wireless so i have bought a modem with wirless router and a donggle i have tried t oinstall it but its not connecting my pc or the laptop to the internet can anyone give me some advise as to what i'm doing wrong please




  1. You might still need to configure both your modem and your router. From the type of setup that you have you might want to check out how to configure your modem in bridge mode and set the router for whatever authentication your Internet Service Provider Needs. First thing call your internet service provider and ask how you can configure a new modem or if it works with the service. Ask if your authentication is for PPPoA or PPPoE and ask for configuration details it requires. Then call the router manufacturer support and ask for help on how to setup  the router with the configuration provided by your ISP.

  2. Hi Cheryl,  i'd hate to say this, your dongle may not be compatiable for your laptop,  does your internet provider send you a wireless router to use, if not get in touch with talktalk n ask for their advice..  

    Hope this answer's your query.... Dave

  3. Please Contact Your ISP they will guide u through a call dont ask them to come to u just directions dyring the call


  4. Does your laptop have wireless built in? Or do you have to plug the dongle into the laptop? Start, Control Panel, Wireless Network Settings. Make sure you have set it up correctly to your main computor 1st.

  5. you have to call your service provider

    im working as a technical support for verizon, and each time a customer called us in because they have a new modem or router we're helping them to set it up

    there are different configurations for different providers and model of modem and router

    other providers have a user name and password that are set within the modem, so if the customer bought up a new one, they have to re-enter that user name and password to their new modem, such cases like that needs as an assistance from the technical support team.

  6. Hi, it may not be anything you are doing wrong, it may be that the normal router set up is not compatible with your email address.  Not being a whizz on computers, I  had the same problem trying to set mine up for days. I called my service provider BT (in your case talktalk) and they gave me the telephone number of the manufacturer of the modem who in turn gave me the direct router set up address which made setting up my router so simple.  No need for any software loading etc.  

    The address should look something like this (you will need the exact one for your modem each one has its own address). Then you type this address into your browser and it brings up all the info on your connection, modem etc, it will also tell you what the problem is whether it is the broadband connection or your password is wrong etc.  Basically it will diagnose why you cannot connect.

    As i said above, if you set up your router via this route then you do not need to load any software (it doesnt matter if it isnt compatible it will just override it) you just need your WEP code which is usually on the bottom of your router and your password and you are away!

    Before going to the trouble of ringing the manufacturer I would try connecting your pc to the router with an ethernet cable if you have one as the pc will automatically read the routers info through the cable and all you will need to do is type in your password and WEP code when it asks you to. This would obviously be the simplest way to get started, then next time you try to connect wirelessly it should automatically recognise it.

    Sorry if this seems a little longwinded but both ways have worked for me in the past. Sometimes it can be just something soooooo silly like a code or username being in caps instead of lower case - computers are sooooo finickey lol!  

    Hope this helps and good luck as it can be very frustrating - I KNOW!! LOL

  7. I really like gailmich... answer; and

    in addition, make sure that you have the right order:

    Incoming ISP connects to modem

    then modem connects to router

    then any additional routers

    then plug the computers into the respective routers.

    After that you must run the Network Wizards in Control panel for regular Network wizard

    and also for wireless Network wizard.


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