
Can anyone help me to set up my kindergarden classroom?

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I have been a second grade teacher for 5 years. This year I am going to be a kindergarden teacher. Would someone give me some ideas to setting up a classroom layout with very little money?





  1. To set up an interactive class with all kinds of preschool activities, you might want to consider the "montessori environment".  Visit

    You'll never run out of ideas/activities on how to teach a child with these guide books.

  2. Hi I taught kinder for 3 years and am now switching to third, so we are moving oppositely :-). You will be fine. I do not agree with the post about putting out cutesy stuff and making it all comfy. NO. You do not want the kids walking in the first day and getting over stimulated visually. Believe it or not, leave the classroom pretty bare of toys and put up your normal stuff like the rules, schedule, pledge, etc. I have made the mistake of putting toys out and when the kids come, they want to play with them. I agree with the post about making sure you take walkways into consideration. If you read Fred Jones, you will discover he talks a lot about this. Do NOT leave a lot of open areas where kids feel they can run around in or be silly. The walkways should be clearly defined to show kids their boundaries. If you DO decide to get "toys", you need manipulatives...ask your campus math person about that. They should be put away and introduced a little at a time, so the kids learn how to use them and use them PROPERLY. Remember, they walk in the first day and MOST of them have no idea how to act at school, what to do, etc. You have to show them how to use a desk, scissors, pencils, paper, etc. Some will know, but a lot won't. If you focus too much on cuteness, you will get frustrated watching the kids accidentally break something or get distracted by dolls left out in the kitchen center. I have no problem giving you more tips...I am going to miss kinder this year. My email is way, good luck!

  3. ok what makes a good kindergarten classroom are: toys, cute posters, games, soft rug, play dough, paint, and the desks. if you need more money try sending a plea to all the parents to "chip in to make their childrens learning fun and safe"

  4. I was a sub for 4 years in many different Kinder classes. I would have to say that the most important thing is having a rug for morning time, story time and music time. You don't need to spend lots on money on decorating at first because you can use the kids art to really decorate. They take pride in their stuff. Also go to the dollar store to get lots of stuff. Also post ads on and Freecycle for Kindergarten appropriate items.

    If you live in an area that has the program, totally take advantage of it.

    Also check the other classrooms to see if there is anything that they are not using that you can have.

    Good Luck!!!


    I always go to this site for reference. They have some great tips on organization.

  6. have you considered the Reggio approach. I work in a day nursery in the UK and it has been very successful in our setting. Search the net for Reggio Emilia and you will find some great ideas and inspirations. Hope this helped

  7. Make sure there is plenty of space for the children to get around, but not so that there is a "running track".

    Make sure that your areas are well defined so that the children know that the blocks stay in this area, the art in this one. I always used colored electrical tape from the dollar store to set up my areas. Also label the shelves with pictures of what goes there, so the children can be more independent with playing and cleaning up.

    Keep the messy activities on the tile, or use shower curtains under tables if you dont have tile. It will save the carpet and your sanity!

    Keep any posters/pictures at the childrens eye level. Anything above their head should be for adults to see.

    Do alot of dollar store shopping. A good dollar store will have almost everything you need!

    If you can, keep some toys put away, so that when they get bored with them, you can rotate them.

    Remember, keep the quiet activities and the loud activities seperate. You dont want your book area next to the block area.

    You may want to have laminated(packing tape works well and can be found at the dollar store) shapes attached to the floor in your circle/group area so that the children arent bunched in one place, or sitting on top of eachother. It also helps with name reconiztion.

    I am jealous of you!! I want a kindergarten classroom!

    Good luck, and if you have any other questions, email me.

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