
Can anyone help me with Gardening?

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I never had a garden before and nothing of it. I'd like to start growing my own tomatos, peppers and few herbs. Are there any techniques to starting a garden? How do I take care of it? How do I prevent animals from getting to it? Any advice will help...thanks.




  1. It may be to late to start this year, but here is information for beginners.

    Gardening is a never ending journey. So much to learn, your gona love it.

    Additionl information: you might consider checking Wal-Mart for herb garden kits, you can start them now.

    One More you can get ideal from her love square footing.

  2. start with planters.  if you go straight into soil, you have a lot of things to contend with like bugs, varmints, soil quality, sun, drainage, etc.  every gardener has a different technique for everything.  As you get through your first season, you will start to develop your own.  To start, just use common scenes.  Use a big pot for big plants, make sure they have room to grow, water as needed, not necessarily everyday - remember the top of the soil will always dry first so check a few inches down for moisture before re-watering.  Make sure the plants get plenty of sun, for the first round, you probably will not need to add anything to your water - the fresh soil will have plenty of nutrients.  put rocks / gravel at the bottom of your planters to allow drainage and make sure the bottoms of the planters have holes and space for the extra water to get out - if it has holes, but sits flush on the ground, you will need to lift it a little bit to let the extra water out.

  3. Go to a reputable garden center near you--NOT Wal-Mart (hardware stores, including Lowe's, often have good plants, though).  It won't take a lot of tomato plants to produce well, but you might want to try a few different varieties.  When you  plant your tomato plants, put down a layer of black plastic, and hold it down with either extra dirt or some type of clips (we bent wires in half, like staples, and placed them next to the plants).  Then cut X's in the black plastic, and plant your plants in the X's--this cuts down on weeding and holds in moisture.  When you plant the tomatoes, add 1 cup of Miracle Gro for Tomatoes--they'll take off like rockets!  Use regular Miracle Gro for everything else.  Plant your plants about 2 feet apart.  You may want to stake the tomato plants once they get bigger, but it's not necessary.  We got started late, on Memorial Day, but we already have dozens of both tomatoes and blooms on our plants.

  4. Here is a site that can answer all your questions...hope this


  5. First off, where do you live? There is a tomato for every location in the world!  

    I always recommend companion planting for tomatoes. Although you can grow from (heirloom) seed, it is easier to buy transplants. Plant them with basil. They seem to love each other and the basil really confuses the pests. Plus, combining the 2 in cooking dishes is divine!

    Tomatoes are really affected by temperature and mineral content in the soil. Make sure you have a rich, organic soil to start with. Add in crushed eggshells once in a while to ensure the blossoms are healthy and make sure you don't put in too much nitrogen in the soil!  You will get awesome tomato leaves, but hardly any tomatoes!  

    hope this helps. Below is an awesome seed source for tomatoes.

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