
Can anyone help me with a Capricorn male???

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He is a Cap. Sun, Aries Moon, and Aries Rising, Venus in Cap. and Mars in Sag.

I don't get him at all. Trying to figure him out is a challange and I've been w/ him 4 a while. Dont know if our charts are off or what. I hate feeling this way.

Mine: Sun Virgo, moon Libra, Rising Cap., Venus Virgo, Mars Cancer

Thank you in advance everyone. It means a lot.




  1. Don't worry, you are not the only one. My brother is a male cap and I still don't get him at ALL.

  2. Kelly,

    Does that put his moon in the 12th or 1st house?  Do you know?  Thanks - I'll get back to you later when I have more time to focus better.

    Edit:  Okay, well astrology aside, I want to say that I have sensed this distress in several other questions you have posted, and I would like to say that if this state of unhappiness is persistent in your marriage, it is unlikely that anything you say or do is going to change him or your relationship.  If you are thinking of staying in the marriage because of your son, that is very laudable but not always the best becauses your son will come to experience your sadness and think this is just how it is supposed to be in marriage - then, what are you teaching him?  Now, I don't want to presuppose anything here, just kind of wishing someone had been so bold to say these things to me when I was your age.......anyway, if you love him, truly love him, maybe you should seek out some marital counseling and see if that will effect any changes before you take any drastic measures.  Now, that being said, regarding astrology, I am not that good at synastry, but I will try to give it an intuitive shot:  there are a lot similarities here - both of your suns are earth signs, your moon signs are opposites but have a strong magnetic quality to them (attraction & repulsion)  Looking at the rest of the signs, I would say that he is more attracted to you then you to him in a sexual way.  His venus being in Capricorn goes for the earthiness of a Virgo sun and Capricorn rising, but you, with that Cancer mars really need something more gentle, romantic and understanding - you ain't gonna get much of that from an Aries moon and rising guy.  Is that something you can live with?  You are more balanced with your signs; he is what he is, and it will be up to you whether you will accept what he is or not.  He will not change.  Well, Kelly - I support whatever decision you make and am wishing you the best..........

  3. well my brother is a capricorn & capricorns luv 2 swim

  4. Hello Kelly

    This match is very good but just needs a little direction. You know what you want. Your Venus in Virgo shows that you would like to attract an intellectual type. You may come across as "reserved" - as holding back your emotions but you are keeping it for that special person.

    You want someone who can compromise, one who has class and good manners. You see what needs "fixing" in one you desire. By the same token, that is what you have to offer as well.

    Your Mars shows the males you tend to attract and are not in accordance with your inner feelings but, what can you do.

    The man who attracts you is has to be protective, security-conscious, sensitive, and understanding. He has to make you feel safe, and if secure financially, all the better.

    Your strong sexuality responds best to emotion and security.

    Now, his wants indicates the need for a socially acceptable and somewhat formal person who is serious about success.

    If she can boost his image or career, he might be attracted as well as a women older than himself.

    He is afraid of rejection, so may act rather shy or reserved or is willing to be assertive enough to take the emotional risks you can't take yourself.

    He may fear commitment, but what he really wants is a very committed relationship with the right woman who will take commitment as seriously as he does.

    Edit....Your chart has Mars in 7th house which is not a very good position but in your case, Mar in 7th is better for a female and indicates  a forceful and energetic partner. He would be self-assertive and a capable person and a partner who is headstrong and independent.

    Note that this is if Mars is not afflicted. Mars in Cancer here often indicates a partner who may become a drunkard. By the mere fact of having Mars in 7th also indicates passion but suscetible to criticism. You can alwys expect some quarrels which may lead to violence, separation and if married, DIVORCE.

    All i can tell you is that, the effect of Mars are always felt once married and life changes  at that point, in a forceful manner.

    I will stop here and leave it at this.

  5. well what is it that you don't get? you say you don't get him at all, but how can we help you if you don't ask a question that we can adequately answer for you? you don't get when he does what? you don't get how he does what? you don't get when he acts like ___ fill the blanks in for us.


  7. I am a capricorn with strong water auras, I can admit it is hard to figure me out.

    Most of all this combination craves attention that is unprovoked. He does not want to ask for attention or to open up his feelings without being asked. Try approaching him and expressing your feelings (and desires) when he is not expecting you to!

    Hope this helps!

  8. Your sweetie is a Capricorn with Aries Rising.  That alone will make him difficult to be around too often.  Both Capricorn & Aries Males can be controlling & Boisterous.  They sure don't like being wrong & it's difficult to get a word in, or for you to be right on with most topics. Mars in Sagittarius...Likes to be free to do own thing & may use use dominance & manipulative tactics to get own way.

    Virgo, Libra combo with Capricorn rising.  They tend to over analyze everything & your rising shows a possible power struggle with your sweetie.  Your Mars is in Cancer...overly sensitive & possible temper tantrums or shoving feeling down.  This relationship may take some work, it's all worth it when you love your sweetie.   PEACE

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