
Can anyone help me with a strange dream I keep having?

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I keep having a dream that I am walking along, as I'm waking up I dream that I trip over something then in real life my legs end up flying up in the air. It's weird because it keeps on happening and there is no straight forward reason for it. Can anyone help?!




  1. rrrrr i love them dreams like when u think ur fallin an u jump lol wish it was me!!

  2. That sure is unique. I had falling dreams and feel my body jerk. It is like trying to say something in one's dream and only a muffled sound comes out and then I try harder and actually make a sound which woke my husband up. We are fearfully and wonderfully made.

    1st question to ask is.. Is something or somebody tripping you up in real life?

    Can you try to wake yourself up before you trip up next time?

    Try praying before going to bed.

  3. I get that sometimes, it just means your an active sleeper

  4. I'm not too sure. Try typing, 'Recurring dreams' into Google and see what comes up. Also, take a look at this website:

  5. It's jsut a reaction, I get it all the time! To interpret the dream I would say that this is a metaphor. Maybe you are self concious of tripping over in public or you have a fear of embarassing yourself.

  6. maybe walking along symbolizes your normal everyday life and whatever you trip over is a peril that you fall into.  the fact that you have this dream over and over may suggest that you are doing the same thing every day with your life and not going anywhere or getting anything worthwhile're in a rut...

  7. Its the same old thing of the spirit returning to the body in a bit of a hurry. Your subconcious will provide a situation to replicate the feeling of jumping/falling.

  8. The knee jerk reaction is because your brain paralyses the rest of your body so that you don't act out what is happening in your dream (If this doesn't work they you sleep walk), so when you wake up your legs are the last things to become re-animated and the rush of energy when they do become active again is what causes that knee jerk.

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