
Can anyone help me with benefits that i will be entitled to?

by  |  earlier

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i have just found out im pregnant with baby no 4. my husband and i rent our home and live in wales. i have worked since i have left school whilst my hubby has been a househusband as i earned the higher wage. i have decided that this time, i would like to be a stay at home mum for a few years and share some of the pleasure of the kids that i have missed out on so far. only thing is, i have no idea how much/or what benefits i would be entitled to. can anyone give me an idea how much we would be entitled too? i know our rent/council tax would be paid for us, but how much would we have to live on? i only work 30hrs a week now and bring home £840 a mth and we get £104 pw tax credit on top of our childbenefit. i dont want any abuse off anyone - like i said i have always worked and supported others who dont by paying my own taxes - maybe im being selfish, but i want a slice of that cake for a couple of years too if it is possible.




  1. with luck if your husband gets a job you will not have to worry about benefits

  2. This has many variable.

    You may get Statory Maternity Pay, which is First 6 weeks 90% of your average weekly earnings with no upper limit

    Remaining 33 weeks Standard rate or a rate equal to 90% of your average weekly earnings. You will get whichever rate is lower.

    The standard rate from 6 April 2008 is £117.18 per week

    You will get Child Tax Credits and Child Benefit for all 4 children. If no one in your household is working you will no longer get working tax credit.

    If your husband were to then get a job you would be entitled to working tax credits, depending upon his new income. you may also qualify for some help with council tax/rent again depending upon his income.

    If there is a period neither of you are working, and your SMP has expired your husband would have to register unemployed and looking for work and claim Job Seekers allowance (if you have savings you may not qualify)

    Your husband would get a couple of rate of JSA at  90.70   per week. On top of this you get full council tax/rent rebate and child benefit/tax credits for all 4 children.

    You can work out your Tax Credit amount on line at the link below, this will help you see how the different wages your husband may earn will affect your award. The more you get in a wage and in Tax Credits the less you will receive as council tax or housing benefit

    With refrence to the answer above, you have no entitlement to Income suppport as neither you or your patner is sick, disabled or a lone parent.

    You are probably best to visit your local CAB to discuss your options in greater detail

  3. Tell your lazy husband to go out and get a job.

  4. not too sure on the benifits, but if someone in the house hold is workin you wont get free council tax, or rent, but you will get working tax credits which will make your money up, best check with the benifits agency, explain your circumstances and they will point you in the rite direction or phone citizens advice to discuss your options

  5. please dont be a sponging lazy piece of **** like the rest of the unemployed no hoper population,i understand you want your time out,because yeah you've paid your taxes and god you deserve it but wheres your pride,tell your husband to go to work,because your family is better than that.

  6. Obviously as you know you get child allowance for each child.

    You can also get child tax credits and working tax credits (as long as one of you is working 16 hours plus a week). Have a go at the calculator to see how much:

    It's quite good but detailed and lengthy so best if you try it rather than me second guessing.

    That's pretty much it unless you qualify/want to go into the income supprt area. That can harm your tax credits though. If your curious I'd ask at your local job centre.

    I understand why you are doing it and I think it is fair enough as an individual. Although if I was in your position I would definitely not be on baby no 4.... on a low income I can maybe understand 1 or 2 but how can you have let it get to 4?? Anyway individual choices aside, i have to say it is disgusting and appalling to live in a  country where people who can work choose to stay at home and claim benefits just because they can. Can't believe my tax pays for that. And saying you've always worked (ie: for what ten years?) is a terrible excuse as taxpayers paid for 12-16 years of your education and will do the same for your 4 children ... even without claiming benefits/using the nhs etc you are definitely taking out more than you put in and it is only fair that you hold your hands up to that.

    EDIT: I'm not sure why the poster below me has got his strict and strange criteria for income support from. It's not the case. Although the criteria is strict and it is likely you won't qualify, couples can qualify without being sick or disabled. See:

  7. Just to correct something in one of your previous answers, if your husband is working and not on a high wage you may still be entitled to some top-up council tax and housing benefit.

  8. Make an appointment with the Dept of work & pensions. I think you can get maternity pay, tax credits and a grant for your baby. Hope that helps

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