
Can anyone help me with my 4 year old's eating habits?

by Guest45087  |  earlier

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He doesn't eat the way he used to. Before my wife and I could usually get him to eat with us or even meals. Now we are lucky if he even eats a bite or two of what we prepare. It's really frustrating!!




  1. Well my ? would Be does he eat when you eat other thing or same way?  If so He is being picky dont force a child to eat you could cause problems with them later, but If you feel the child is becoming malnurished, Check with Dr!

  2. Oh my gosh I know exactly what your going through! My son was doing SO great the beginning of this year, he's 4 by the way too. And well all of the sudden a month ago, he just picks at his food...but OF COURSE he would be quick to eat something sweet etc. It is very frustrating.. We try to say like some character wants you to eat this. We said one time we made Sponge Bob Spaghetti LOL. To see if he would. It does get him more sort of enthusiastic about it.

    Goodluck, i know how it is. They just go through stages!

  3. I would serve him his plate and have him sit down when the family does.  Don't force him to eat or make it a big issue.  If you feel that he has not eaten enough, let him know that you will save his plate for when he does get hungry.  Do not give him any other food or dessert until he eats his dinner.  Also know that as a 4 yr old he is not going to like everything that you and your wife do.  I have a 14 yr old son that just now added lettuce and mayo to his sandwiches.  He is 6' tall and is on the varsity football team.  My point is don't worry so much and don't allow it to become a battle at dinner time.  It should be a fun family discussion/word playing time.  Relax, they grow up way too fast.

  4. Sit him at the table at meals when its time to eat. Make him stay there, with his plate in front of him, until you are finished. Only allow 1 snack per day so he's not filling up inbetween meals. He will eat if his body is hungry.

  5. Is he snacking?    If he is snacking, then the best way to get him to eat with you is to cut back on the snacks.   Also, make sure he's getting plenty of exercise, and he will get hungry.   Also, remember that he will go through growth spurts where he naturally needs more or less food, and he is much smaller than you are, so what seems like a small amount of food may be more than you realize.  Also consider how many calories he is consuming in drinks.  Is he drinking a lot of fruit juice or milk?     If you want him to take in more solid food calories, you might cut back a bit on the drink calories by offering good old fashioned water.

  6. I really wouldn't worry about it, if he gets hungry he will eat

  7. Dont panick my son went through that stage too at 4. He is 6 now and is a much better eater although still picky. That is a stage some kids go through.James habits have picked up after about 6 or 7 months so be patient with him.I always made sure he ate enough to keep him healthy,but I stopped getting frustrated because the doctor said it was normal and he'll grow out of it. James liked to eat snacks and things of that nature but dinner was out of the question unless it was a pizza night. So be patient and he'll come around.GOOD LUCK

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