I have a couple questions. One, I just found a one month old stray kitten yesterday. I've never had a kitten that young so I don't really know what to do. She can eat dry food, but sometimes she has a hard time eating it. I was told to give her some warm milk twice a day because she still tries to nurse. What else should I do with a kitten that young?
Secondly, I have a cat already who is a year and a half. She doesn't seem to like this new kitten and I'm afraid they'll hurt each other. I'm trying to get them to warm up to each other but I'm not sure. My cat acts really jealous around her and on top of that, my cat has not been affectionate to me or my husband since this new kitten has been here. What should I do to keep her affection towards us so she doesn't think we're spending all this time with the new kitten? And any suggestions to get them to warm up to each other?