I want a name for a Shiba Inu and an Akita Inu. Possibly a Somali cat name, too?Oh, and if I got a beta fish as a gift for someone and it looked just like the fish down below, what should I name it?
They could be white or more like a brownish color, so any name will help. Most like they will look like the dogs below, but I don't know yet! I'm getting them both while they are puppies though. And the Somali cat is a little tiny kitten too! That it one rainbowy fish! But, it's a boy so please don't say 'Rainbow'.
Shiba Inu: http://z.about.com/d/dogs/1/0/h/j/1/hana_shiba_paper2.jpg
Akita Inu: http://www.mydogbreed.com/images/akita-inu.jpg
Somali: http://gallery.photo.net/photo/5940460-lg.jpg
Beta Fish: http://myrhetoric.files.wordpress.com/2007/08/beta-fish.jpg
Wild Tiger :)