
Can anyone help me with some answers about a pony?

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I want to get my little girl a pony,without it being a minature horse,cause,they are too small and she will out grow it to quick.So,I am looking for a girl pony.What are the girls called and what kind of pony would be a small one?I would appreciate all the help anyone with knowledge of a pony can give me.





  1. Instead of jumping straight into buying a pony for your little girl, my suggestion would be lessons. Not only riding lessons for her, but ownership training for the entire family. Horses, and ponies, aren't the simplest animals to own. Find a stable near you and talk to them about this. The people there will be able to help you.

  2. Mares are females.  Find a breeder or talk to a local riding stable.  They are the best resources you can find.  Make sure you understand the costs & responsibilities prior to getting any animal.

  3. Wow.

    I'm just so shocked by the absolutly pointless things people buy children now. Should I even suggest a my little pony doll?  

  4. I would suggest an appollusa horse, a female is called a mare, as a male is called a stallion.

    I would purchase a yearling at a sale in your state. Make sure of it's breeding, so as not to get a breed which is difficult to train. As the horse grows so will your daughterand they will become best of friends over the years. The average life span of an appollusa is about 18 years.

    A smaller breed is a paint, they grow to about 14 or 15 hands tall and are very calm by nature unless you buy a quarter horse.

    Hope I didn't confuse you. Stay away from Standard Breds or thourough breds They are very high strung.

  5. what about a shetlan? i leased a horse it was a quarterhorse... not small but amazing!

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