
Can anyone help me with the family problem i am going though... or maybe just advice :)?

by  |  earlier

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Today is the day of my brothers 25 birthday party, Although falling out with him and not wanting to see him or go to his party tonight i feel i have to because i would be a let down, my mother tells me it would be nice to see my face there... On the other hand my girlfriend wants me to stay at hers, she tells me that i am old enough to make my own decisions now, and that i have to get use to not letting people walk over me, i am 17 years of age... What would you do if you were in my situation? Ohh and also i forgot to mention my girfriends nan is dying of cancer at this stage............ HELP ! :)




  1. bottom line is..blood is thicker than water. Yes you are old enought to make your own decisions but your mother wants you there and i'm sure your brother would like it. No choice really, do it for your mum and brother.  Guess what?? life is short and you could lose your mum or your brother unexpectadly..

  2. you should go cause to begin  with its your family, you don't have to stay for the entire thing let you them know what your girl is going thru and they should understand that you have to be by her side at this stage in her life.

  3. go to your brothers party.. say hello.. give a gift if your giving one. and then explain your to your family your girlfriend kinda needs you.. its a bad time with her "nan" dying.. im sure your family will understand and will notice you at least made an effort.

    good luck ..  

  4. family should be everything in one's life. you've been living with them (i believe) in all of your age, right? your gf was right by saying that you're old enough to make your own decision. but will it be wise enough to against going to one of your family member's party (for someone else)?

  5. Why not go to both.  Attend your brothers party, keep the family happy, you may well enjoy yourself. Just make sure to go with the intention of enjoyment. Sulky people are the pits. Why don't your invite your friend along too.   After a couple of hours you can go and spend the rest of the evening at your friends house.  

    Keep everyone happy including yourself.

  6. With this falling out, how serious is it  

  7. Family is family, no matter what. I'd go to the party then see my partner afterwards.

  8. Always do the right thing by your family.    You are not bound to your girlfriend at 17.    Make the gesture to your brother for the long term good.    There will only be one 25th birthday party.    If the girlfriend is worth anything she will honour family values and not influence you to choose.    Pride goes before a fall.

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