
Can anyone help me with the paradox I have found in the actions of some violent criminals?

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I find some local violent criminals whom I live close to, and have recently become involved with socially to be some of the kindest people I have ever met and despite thier proven track record of vicious violence they are slow to anger. can anyone shed any light on this paradox.




  1. The human animal is very complex.  They use violence as a tool and only when they need to.

  2. they are hypocrites.

  3. Mayble they're just acting nice to your face, that's obviosly the case...right? What if really they're worse criminals than you think and they kill you? ...It happens.

  4. Violent criminals are the kindest people you will meet, until they KILL you or someone you love...........

  5. I think there is a lot of regret. Also some mental illness issues. I've worked in drug rehabs and I've met some great clients there who were criminals. When your taking drugs, however, you are not thinking rationally...another problem.

  6. The following adage may contribute a factor: An armed population is a polite population.

  7. Everyone has good and bad qualities in them. I have also met many good hearted people who have done terrible things. The difference is that "good" people choose not to act out with violence and can control these impulses if they have them.

  8. here's one become violent about something then you must have very strong feelings to use that's an extreme solution! I was always told that if I channeled my passion into something positive rather than violence then I would exceed at anything I did...I used to hold a simplistic view that the world was fair and that if anybody"wronged" me then the solution was simple- aggression! cant live like that and ultimately you are forced to reconsider your methods which (for me) has ultimately led to more of an understanding and tolerance towards others which then, you could argue, leads to kindness. A very big question and there are an endless number of factors to consider with each person but there's one to get you started!!

  9. shipman was a  trusted doctor   manipulation is  not always

    easy to spot you dont need to be angry to be violent

  10. There are a lot of reasons why someone might commit a crime.  If theyr'e hungry they steal.  If they are scared they lash out.  A lot of "criminals" did their crimes when they were young and have since then grown up.  If someone commits the crime and does their time then they have been punished and I let it go.  There are only a few things that are unforgettable crimes in my opinion.  Child molesters are not to be trusted, if they actually molested a child.  This is also a difficult one to know because a lot of guys who are labeled as this aren't.  If a man is 19 and sleeps with a 16 year old girl and her parents press charges, he is labeled that.  That doesn't mean he will hurt my 11 year old daughter but he is still labeled violent criminal.

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