
Can anyone help me with this algebra problem?

by  |  earlier

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The problem is...

"If a rooster is worth 5 coins, a hen 3 coins, and 3 chicks together 1 coin, how many roosters, hens, and chicks, totaling 100, can be bought for 100 coins?"

I have these equations so far:



but... now what?? Substitution?

I need to find 2 solutions, but what do i do next?




  1. 15r +9h +c =300


    14r +8h =200

    7r +4h =100

    You have two equations, three unknowns.

    Best to plug in values for r (they have to be even, otherwise you will get an odd number that you can't divide by 4)

    r=2, h =86/4 no

    r=4, h =76/4 =19 c=77 not divisible by 3

    r=6. h =58/4

    r=8, h =44/4=11 c= 81 one solution

    r=10, h =30/4 no

    r=12, h =16/4 =4 c=84 second solution

  2. I can help

  3. Try this site for help,it's pretty good.

  4. Since you have three variables and only two equations there is no one answer.  I would multiply both sides of the first equation by 3, getting

    (1a)  15r + 9h + c + 300

    (2)      r + h + c = 100      and subtract equation (2) from equation(1a)


             14r + 8h = 200

    Now just pick them:

    Solution #1

    If r = 4 then

    56 + 8h = 200

    8h = 144

    h = 18        (c becomes 100 - 4 - 18 = 78)

    Solution #1  r = 4, h = 18, c = 78   <<<<<<<<<<

    check    20 + 54 + 26 = 100  


    Solution #2

    If r = 8 then

    112 + 8h= 200

    8h = 200 - 112 = 88

    h = 11

    So r = 8, h = 11 is a solution  (c becomes 100 - 8 - 11 = 81)

    Solution #2 r = 8, h = 11, c = 81   <<<<<<<<<<

    check  (5 x 8) + (3 x 11) + (81/3) = 40 + 33 + 27 = 100


    Solution #3 r = 12, h = 4, c = 84     (60 + 12 + 28 = 100)  

    You can fill in the steps for Solution #3 for better understanding.

    Don't try for another solution, I'm pretty sure that r has to be divisible by 4 and that there are no other solutions.

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