
Can anyone help me with yet another macbeth question?

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In act two scene three ( the drunken porter scene) can anyone tell me how the porter draws parallels




  1. You have received good ideas to  help you with the answer to this question.  Have a look at these three study guides and they should also help you.  Best of luck with it.

  2. While providing some welcome comic relief, the Porter’s soliloquy reminds us of Macbeth's predicament. One very eerie parallel is the knocking at the gate

    which summons the slumbering porter, brings the murder scene to a close and signals that the crime is about to be revealed. The ordinary world is waking up!


    The Porter imagines he is the keeper of the gate to h**l and indeed, another grim parallel,  Macbeths’ castle is now a hellish evil place. .

    The hungover scruffy Porter is himself a personification of the disorder  and is caught sleeping on the job, like the rest of the world.

    We laugh at his foolish talk, but as he lists the types he would welcome to h**l, he speaks more truth than he realizes.

    His jokes parallel key thems in the rest of the play such as equivocation, man’s destiny, God’s justice,

    and the spiritual consequences of people's actions.

    The Porter’s lines are indeed as poignant as they are humorous given what is going on all arouond him.
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