
Can anyone help my kitten farts all the time

by  |  earlier

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hi can anyone help my kitten farts all the time and poo comes out of her backside all the time it smell very bad what can i do should i take her to the vets




  1. its either the food shes eating or something irregular she ate. it would be very good to take her to a vet.

  2. OMG YES you should take her to the vets ! is the poo watery ? if so it sounds like she is very poorly x

  3. it could also be if you changed the food she was on from whereever you got her from.  it can be hard on their tummies, if this is the case, as I just got a new kitten there is a way to mix the food...

    1/4 of new food 3/4 old food for day 1-2

    1/2 of new food 1/2  old food for days 3-4

    3/4 of new food 1/4 old food for days 5-6

    on the 7th day you can put her on the new food fully...

    I would also suggest you take her to the vet, it could be an allergy to a certain type of food or a parasite or something...

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