
Can anyone help serious answers please ?

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we have been trying for a baby for 3 months now i got my period on my due date but it was different it is very light pink and its only there when i wipe it stops overnight it has been four days now its brown and white when i wipe could i be pregnant or could it be something else ?my period is always the same always has for 11 yrs heavy at the start with alot of cramping and slows down by day four ends day 5 also bout 2 weeks or so ago i had really bad cramping like a period cramp , please only serious answers that can help me put my mind at ease




  1. I'm going to have to say no you are not pregnant.  But the only way that you are going to know for sure is if you take a test.

  2. if i was u i would really take a test. b cuz u may b pregnant. the cramping could have been u ovulating, and the light spotting could have been implantation bleeding. take a test 2 b sure.

    good luck.

  3. When in doubt take a test

  4. Take an HPT.  I had the same thing when I was pregnant with my second baby.  Thought it was my period and it wasn't.  Good luck!!

  5. You mat be pregnant this may be impantion bleeding that you are having, i my self havent had it but alot of women do, How ever to best thing that you can do is to take a hpt  to know for sure, as well it may take some couples up to a year to comcieve best of luck i hope that every thing works out for you.

  6. You know it is really hard to say whether you could be pregnant or not because if you are having implantation bleeding and you take a test it will not necessarily show right away.  

    It really sounds like something else.  Just ease your mind right now becuase this process takes time.  I also tried for a couple months and I would test and test and test when things seemed different and the for sure sign was a late period I am never late since I started having a period it has been the same heavy and 7 days. When I got pregnant I was late a couple of days and I knew I was told by the docter to wait a few more days and then come in and test and I was pregnant.

    It takes time.

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