
Can anyone help to find out noun, addjective and addverbial clauses please/?

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can you tell me where is noun, adj, and adv clauses? I am going to cry. I try a lot but no success and no one here to help me plz take it serious. Please if you can explain little about all 3 clauses I will be thankful. plz mention in 1 sentence which 1noune and other.

Now Kino got up and wrapped his blanket about his head and nose and shoulders. He slipped his feet into his sandals and went outside to watch the dawn. Outside the door he squatted down and gathered the blanket ends about his knees. He saw the specks of Gulf clouds flame high in the air. And a goat came near and sniffed at him and stared with its cold yellow eyes. Behind him Juana's fire leaped into flame and threw spears of light through the chinks of the brush house wall and threw a wavering square of light out the door. A late moth blustered in to find the fire.the song of the family came now from behind Kino. And the rhythm of the family song was the grinding stone where juana worked the corn for thr morning cake




  1. Good old diagramming and dissecting sentences....

    Basically it goes like this

    Noun clauses: take the place of the noun in sentence and often answer the questions "who" or "what"

    Adjective clauses: phrases used to describe the nouns. They tell you "what it was like"

    Adverb clauses: phrases used to tell you "when", "where", or "how" things happen. Becuase adverb clauses answer so many different kinds of questions they are very common.

    Now for your paragraph...

    Adverb clauses

    *about his head and nose and shoulders --modifies wrapped

    *into his sandals -- modifies slipped

    *to watch the dawn -- modifies went

    *outside the door -- modifies squatted

    *about his knees -- modifies gathered

    *in the air -- modifies flame

    *with its cold yellow eyes -- modifies stared

    *through the chinks -- modifies threw

    *out the door -- modifies the second threw

    Adjective clauses

    *of Gulf clouds -- modifies specks

    *of light -- modifies spears

    *of the brush house wall -- modifies chinks

    *of light -- modifies square

    Noun clauses

    "He saw the specks of Gulf clouds"

    I probably missed some but I hope this helps

  2. Basically, a noun clause answers questions like "who(m)?" or "what?"; an adjective clause answers questions like "which (one)?"; and an adverb clause answers questions like "when?", "where?", "why?", "with what goal/result?", and "under what conditions?".

    This link explains what noun, adjective and adverbial clauses are:

    Here are a few that I found in that paragraph, I am sure there are more, but I hope it helps.

    He slipped his feet into his sandals and went outside to watch the dawn. - Adverb clause because it explains where (outside) and why (to watch the dawn).

    Outside the door he squatted down and gathered the blanket ends about his knees. - Adverb clause because it explains where (outside the door)

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