
Can anyone help us please?!???

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here it last period was august 2..then mt husband and i got s*x on the 18th of august..and the next days..we are really trying to conceive a baby..we had s*x until the round or two rounds per night..i am expecting my period august 30..but it didn't come until now..i just could feel pain on my back..easily got ankle is really in pain b***s is kinda painful..its sore..i havn't got a home pregnancy test yet..can anyone help us is there a possibility i am going to get pregnant..?thank you to all guys for the help..




  1. Yes, there is a chance. Buy a pregnancy test!

  2. Are you sure you had s*x around the 10th -16th of seems like you have a 29 day cycle which means your fertile period was from the would've had s*x ever other day around those days. if you did, then maybe your 'period" could be implantation if not then next time buy an will tell you when you're ovulating, so you dont iss the egg again. baby dust to you..

  3. It's always possible, but it's hard to know if you had s*x at the right time unless you've been charting your temperatures (see and/or using ovulation predictor kits.  

    It's actually completely NOT TRUE that every woman has a 28 day cycle and ovulates on day 14 of every cycle.  Even if you did ovulate on CD14, you would have missed the conception window by having s*x on Aug. 18th (CD16).  The goal is to have s*x every day or every other day in the few days leading up to when you expect to ovulate (and confirm ovulation with temping and/or ovulation kits).  However, some people ovulate closer to CD20 even with a 28 day cycle, so maybe you got the timing right if you're a late ovulator!

    That said, being tired and having your b*****s be sore can be good signs to be pregnant.  Get a few home tests and try them over the next few days if your period doesn't come, and see.  Good luck!

  4. Put a pillow under your butt so your pelvis tilts back. After your husband climaxes, remain in that position for at least fifteen minutes. Your husband may have lazy sperm. This will help them find their way.

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