
Can anyone help with Photoshop? Complete novice here?

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Is it possible to layer some effects such as smoke and fire onto a photograph using Photoshop?

If yes - is there anywhere to get those effects, and how do you go about adding them to the photograph?

(Info needed for an art student working on a project).

Also - how do you do that thing where you can superimpose someones head onto a different body?

Any help much appreciated.




  1. There are a lot of Photoshop effects under the Filters menu.

    But to add stuff like smoke and fire, you're essentially adding extra bits of image onto your image, so a good way to do it, but a lot of work, is to find fire & smoke photos on the Internet (I use Google images), import those, and then work them into the original photograph. The more you know Photoshop the better this will look.

    You usually cut somebody's head out using either the magic wand or lassoo tools to trace around their head, clicking 'copy', then opening up your other image and clicking 'paste', so the head appears as a new layer in that image. Then you use the transform tools to scale it and warp it so that it fits to the right size. That's a very rough description, there are hundreds of ways to do it with more finesse.


    they will teach u alot what u want to can go back to the main and choose turtorial and learn other techniques .

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