
Can anyone help with a credit online application I filled out and now they are charging my bank account $150 .

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Can anyone help with a credit online application I filled out and now they are charging my bank account $150 .




  1. You'll need to read the small print on the application you filled out to see why they're charging you and what your options are.  If it truly is fraudulent, call your bank, they should be able to reverse the charge with a small amount of paperwork on your behalf.  Good luck!

  2. Some cc companies charge a one time "processing" fee, these are normally cards with very high interest rates, unsecured high risk customers. Instead of helping they just kick you when you are down, they operate like the payday loan outfits.

    You can try to call the bank and the company you applied to, as long as you do not use the card and refuse it right away you might be able to get some of your money back.

  3. A friend did the same thing as you, because he didn't read the fine print.  The fine print said, if approved, a $150 one time fee would be charged to his bank account.  They charged his bank account and then 5 days later he received the approval by mail.  He was very upset, because he wasn't planning on paying that fee and it caused a few payments to bounce.

    He called the company and they basically said, "Too bad, you signed it and it's legal."  He received the credit card in the mail as well, and the approval letter that came with it stated that they only gave him a credit line of $200, when the advertisement said "Up to $7500 credit!"  

    You can call their customer service number, but I don't think they will refund your money, which they told my friend was considered a "processing fee."

    I'm sorry that this happened to you.  Live and learn.  It's a cruel cruel world out there!!  Especially when everyone is having financial woes right now.  :(

  4. its normal. all banks charge for applying online.

  5. What exactly are you expecting as help?

    Maybe you should contact the bank not Yahoo

  6. If it was for a poor credit loan, guess what you just got ripped off, or scammed, and they have your bank account number so it can happen again. Any time you have to pay to get credit run do not walk run away. Now call your bank and put a block on that company ever taking funds out again

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